Chapter 1

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*Emma's POV*

We'd spent a lot of that night at Granny's, taking in those precious moments after what the name would suggest was our final battle, but that battle had also been the most exhausting yet. At least it had been for me, I couldn't speak for anyone else. That exhaustion had become overwhelming by the time we all went our separate ways, but it was completely wiped from my mind as Killian and I made our way home and a realization replaced it.

We had been married for over 24 hours and that walk was the first time we had been alone in two days. I was pretty good at keeping those thoughts hidden around my family, even from myself, but now they were the only thoughts I had. Thoughts of the other night, and the countless thoughts I'd had about he and I in the years since I laid eyes on him. And thankfully it seemed I wasn't the only one, either...

The moment we turned onto a deserted street Killian yanked me against him, his arm around my waist and his hand in my hair to bring my lips to his. I didn't hesitate for a moment, winding my arms around his neck and stretching up on my toes to kiss him deeply. I pretty much always wanted him, but it was getting almost physically painful how much I did at that point. We'd only really gotten that one night of peace right after he got back from Neverland and even that ended up getting interrupted by my mom.

"Don't you two have a house to do that in?" Regina's voice startled our lips apart a fraction and we looked over to see her on the other side of the street. To the untrained eye she looked irritated, but I could tell she was just giving us a hard time. "I know it's basically your wedding night, but from what I recall it's only about 3 blocks away."

"Good night, Regina," I called with a roll of my eyes and a slight smile, unable to help my small giggle when Killian started to pepper my face with light kisses. I caught his lips with my own, his quiet moan making me grin as I pulled away. "Come on, Captain, she's right. Our place isn't too far."

"Debatable," he grumbled, keeping his arm tight around me as we continued our journey home. A split second after our front door locked behind us he had me trapped against the wall, his body pressed to mine and the undeniable hunger in his eyes making it difficult to breathe. "Now then..."

Our lips met again and there was only him. I was desperate to feel his skin on mine, both of us fumbling with each others clothes while trying not to break our kiss. It didn't take long for us to be completely bare and wrapped around each other in our entryway, but it wasn't enough. There was no enough of him for me- I wanted all of him, always.


"I love you," Killian sighed a while later as we lay together in our bed, brushing hair away from my face to press a soft kiss to my lips. "I love you so bloody much, I don't know what I would have done if I'd lost you tonight."

"Well, from the sound of 'final battle' you're going to be stuck with me for a very long time," I tried to tease him, bringing a small smile to his face when I kissed him again a bit more deeply. "And you just married me so I'm assuming you're still okay with that."

"I can probably learn to live with it," he smirked that damn smirk that had hooked me-pun intended- much earlier than I cared to admit and I felt my chest tighten with emotion. "What is it, Swan? What's going on in that head of yours?"

"I just..." I trailed off, putting my hand on his cheek and looking up into those ridiculously blue eyes. "I love you, too. I'm so sorry it took me so long to tell you that, but I do."

"I know you do, love," he smiled slightly, gathering me into his arms where I happily slid my arms around him to snuggle up to him with a content sigh. In that moment everything was perfect- absolutely perfect.

*Killian's POV*

This was it- the life I never knew I wanted until I met Emma. After literal centuries of seeking vengeance for my first love, and years of fighting villain after villain, I was finally happy with my true love. Blissful even when I had her in my arms like this. I never had any desire for a quiet, stable life like this- not even with Milah- but when I met Emma everything changed.

Just as I'd told Jasmine back on the Nautilus, I never thought I'd live anywhere but the sea, but this little dirt patch, and more importantly the people I shared it with, were the only home I could imagine ever wanting again. Emma and her boy, and even the rest of her rather complicated family tree, were all I needed anymore. In the years since Emma had come into my life nearly every aspect of it had changed, including many things about myself. The man I use to be would scoff at who I had become, probably even mock me quite a bit, but this new life was worth all the pain. And Emma? Emma was... everything.

'Final Battle', however, had my thoughts of a substantial future running wild. If it truly was our final battle, did that mean we could get what Emma called our white picket fence life? Was it realistic to even hope for that in our life? I suppose I would have to wait and find out, but for now, I planned to revel in making a lasting memory of that rare moment when everything was perfect- absolutely perfect.

It has been straight up years, but I've only ever come up with more questions and unfortunately I don't see getting any answers, so I've finally decided to write my own. If you have any specific questions you'd like me to address, let me know!

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