Chapter 83

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Brendon's POV

We pulled up to the Emergency Room, and Jess was answering the paramedics questions just fine. She knew the day, date, year and what she'd been doing before waking up in the ambulance. 

They wheeled her into the ER and the doctors and nurses took over, taking their notes from the paramedics.  Because she wasn't a trauma, they let me come in with her and stay by her side. I was chatting with her while the nurses took vitals and got her registered.  

A doctor came over and talked with us, saying he was sending her down for an x-ray, and then they'd decide what to do after that. I went out to the waiting room while they got Jess changed into a hospital gown, and to wait for Sarah. 

They, Sarah, Zack and Kala, walked in about ten minutes after Jess went down for her x-ray. 

"Brendon! Why are you out here? What happened?" Sarah asked.  When Jess had been assaulted at school and was being worked on by the doctors, they'd pushed her out of the ER and made her wait in the waiting area, in case things went bad. They didn't want Sarah to see if they had to use life saving measures. 

"She's fine, she's fine. She's gone down for an x-ray. I came out here to meet you, and she was getting changed into a hospital gown. I thought it inappropriate for me to be there, so I came out here to meet you. We can go back to her curtain area and wait."

Sarah and I went back, Zack and Kala stayed in the waiting area, saying Josh, Pete and Patrick were coming, too, and we probably couldn't all be back there anyway. 

We sat in the curtained area, where Jess would be returning.  She was gone for about a half an hour before the porters brought her back. 

"Jess! Hi honey?" Sarah said as they rolled her in. 

"Hey, Mom," Jess said. A little subdued, and probably a little embarrassed that a bump to the head landed her in the hospital again. 

"How're you feeling?"

"I kinda have a headache," she said. 

"No doubt," Sarah smiled. 

"That's what happens when you try catching a pop fly with your head, silly," I said. 

We sat and chatted for a little while until the doctor came in with the x-ray films. 

"So," he started. "I don't see any new fractures or any concerns. Jessica is conscious, aware of time and place, but I'd like to keep her overnight for observation, just because of the history of head injury.  If nothing of concern occurs overnight, I think she'll be fine to go home tomorrow.  I'll get her admitted, and she'll probably go up to the pediatric floor as soon as they allocate a bed."

"Okay," Sarah and I both said. 

Jess crossed her arms, frowned and blew out in frustration.

"Sorry kiddo," the doctor said to her, smiling. "But call me overly cautious."

"You're overly cautious," she said, smirking at the doctor.

"Smartass," I said. 

"I'll get the orders in, and we'll get you  moved as soon as possible," the doctor said, and left. 

"Who do you want to stay overnight?" Sarah asked Jess. 

"I dunno?" Jess said. "Whoever wants to, I guess. Both of you? If you want?"


Jessica's POV

Man, this sucks.  I'm stuck in the hospital overnight because I missed the catch and the ball landed on my head. I know they're all just being cautious, but I hate being in the hospital. I see the inside of a hospital way too many times. 

Mom and Dad asked me who I wanted to stay and I don't really know.  Both of them, really, but I don't know if they both can. Or really need to. I mean, they're basically checking I don't have a concussion and there's no signs of any problems from when I had surgery on my head last September. 

And I hate putting people out. Even if they're my parents. Knowing them, they'll both wind up staying and sending Zack and Kala to let the dogs out and feed them.  Poor Bogart and Penny.  They keep getting left behind when I manage to land myself here. 

I don't know how much time passed, but finally they took me up to a room, and a little while later, brought me dinner.  I took the lid off and scrunched up my nose. 

"What is that?!" I asked. 

"Is that edible?" Uncle Josh asked as he walked into my room with Zack and Kala. "Is that even food?"

"I don't know," I said, lifting the slab of... brown something up with my fork. "I think I dissected something like this in biology last semester."

"Eat your dinner," Mom said. 

"Moooom," I whined. "I can't eat that. I don't think it's food. I think it's a cleaning sponge with gravy over it. Can't we order a pizza or burgers or something? Please?"

"I can't let my kid eat... a sponge, did you say?" Dad said. 

"You two are impossible," Mom smiled. But relented and sent Zack out to get everyone burgers and fries. 

"And a chocolate milk shake?" I called out. He winked as he left. 

Zack was back in about 45 minutes with everyone's dinner and we sat around eating and chatting. A nurse came in to check on me once in a while, and I finally got some Advil for my headache.  They needed to be careful and not mask symptoms, but my headache wasn't that bad.  Just, meh. There. 

I ate my burger, and most of my fries, and most of my milkshake. 

Mom and Dad kicked everyone out at 8 and made me try to get some sleep.  They turned down the lights and sat next to me, talking quietly.  It was actually pretty soothing.  I didn't have any problem falling asleep. 

What I did have a problem doing was staying asleep. The nurse kept coming in every two hours and waking me up, asking me my name, and if I knew where I was and checking my consciousness. I got a bit snarky around 4 am and when she asked where I was, I answered 'Not asleep, like I'd like to be,'

"Jess, behave yourself," Mom grumbled. 

I rolled my eyes, answered her questions, and went back to sleep. 

Finally, it was morning, they brought me breakfast, the doctor came in and said he was happy to send me home and I went home. In my dirty baseball uniform, since we didn't think to get anyone to bring some clothes. 

Mom said I was taking the day off school, and I could go back tomorrow. So we went home, I took a nap and then Dad and I played guitar for a while.  We had dinner, watched a movie, and I called Paige to find out what  I'd missed at school. She had my homework for me, and would give it to me at school. 

Back to normal, for a bit. 

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