Chapter 1

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Eight boys' lives were turned completely upside down when the apocalypse began. It began abruptly without warning. Millions of people died on the first day, unprepared for the horrors thrust upon them.

    Now, this wasn't your typical brain-eating zombie apocalypse with slow moving zombies that wanted to crack open your skull. These zombies moved from a speed ranging from someone casually taking a walk, to someone running a track race. Also, these zombies weren't just out for brains. They wanted to tear your body apart piece by piece, consuming your flesh until you were nothing but bone.

    Over the radio, it had been quickly discovered that humans could, in fact, be infected. If you survived a particularly nasty zombie bite, there was a good chance you would join their flesh-eating army after two days. However, for whatever reason, mangled corpses never awoke to join the undead.

    The eight boys had managed to survive the first week of the apocalypse by sheer luck. It seemed like everything was going their way. much as it could in an apocalypse. They had come across a warehouse with just enough weapons and ammo for seven people. Jeongin, who was the worst shot out of the group, had nothing but a small knife. Along the way, they had also found a decent amount of food.

    During that week, they met their fair share of hardships and betrayal before finding an abandoned house on a hill, safe from the apocalypse raging below. They found enough food to last them two months. All they had to do was simply take a little walk into the forest behind the house.

    However, before they discovered the home, they had been found by a horde of zombies.


    "Is that everything?" Chan asked, watching as the others shoved the rest of their supplies into their backpacks.

    "Yep. Let's head out before other survivors find us and try to steal our supplies," Minho said, surveying a spiked bat he found lying around with a gleam in his eyes.

    "Hyung, I'm really scared," Jeongin said softly.

    If they were to all be completely honest, Jeongin spoke for all of them. Though they didn't show it, they were all terrified. Both of being torn to pieces and eaten by zombies, but also of losing each other. They functioned as a team. Without one of them, they had no chance of surviving.

    "It's okay, Jeongin," Felix said soothingly. "We'll be safe soon."

    He immediately regretted his words when they left the grocery store they were raiding to be greeted by a horde of hungry zombies. The fastest of the zombies got to them before anyone had the time to react, taking a decent sized chunk out of Changbin's shoulder, before its head was blown off by a shot straight to the head.

    The sounds of bullets and low groaning noises from the zombies filled the air. Changbin lay on the ground, clutching his injured shoulder, a thick layer of blood covering his hand. Tears from the pain streamed down his face as Felix knelt down next to him, trying to stop the bleeding.

    The others tried their hardest to kill the zombies before they could come closer and inflict further harm. However, even the best of plans have their flaws. A zombie charged from behind them, gripping Felix by the shoulders and lowering its rotting head close to Felix's neck.

    "Help me!" He screamed, pushing the zombie's face away with the one hand that wasn't pinned down.

    Chan aimed his gun at the zombie but didn't pull the trigger fast enough. The zombie bit down on Felix's hand, ripping off his pinky and ring finger at the same time that Chan blew its head to smithereens.

    All at once, the gunfire ceased, the last of the zombies being wiped out. The others ran towards Chan, Felix, and Changbin, eager to help out the two who had been seriously injured.

    "Chan hyung," Hyunjin said faintly, pointing at Chan's arm. Earlier, a zombie had bitten into his arm, right down to the bone.   

    "I'll be okay," Chan said, a small smile on his face. "I see a house up on top of that hill. Let's hurry before someone else gets there first."

    Both Felix and Changbin insisted that they could walk on their own, even though the others had offered to carry them. Chan tried to stop the bleeding from the puncture wound in his arm, wondering how things could have gone so wrong.

    "Guys," Seungmin said absentmindedly, an ominous tone to his voice. "We only have two days left as a team."

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