Barbatos x Reader

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"Y/N, would you like to bake with me?"

Holy shit. Barbatos was actually asking me to bake with him.

"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I would love to spend time with you." he said with a small smile

Barbatos was very mysterious. I was very interested in him.

"Well if you're sure.. Than yes, I would love to come bake with you."


We walked into the kitchen together.

"I'm glad you agreed to this. I really needed some help today."
"Oh? How so?" I asked, putting on an apron.

"Lord Diavolo wants to plan a party for Lucifer's birthday, so he requested some things."
"Really? Lucifer doesn't seem like the type to want a big party."

Barbatos chuckled.

"Oh he isn't. But Diavolo wanted to do something special for him."
"Ahh, makes sense."

"So what are we baking first?" I asked

"Hmm. We should probably start with the cake since it'll take the longest. We can make everything else over the span of the next few days."

"What kind of cake are we making again?"

"Probably just a vanilla cake, and then we can decorate it."
"Alright." I said, grabbing the eggs out of the fridge.

The two of us started to bake the cakes.

We needed about five tiers, which is a lot.

Luckily I have a little bit of baking experience.

"Woah.. that was hard." I said

"I agree, thankfully we get a little bit of a break now while they bake."

I giggled.

"What's so funny?" Barbatos asked confused

"Sorry it's just" I stifled a laugh. "You're covered in flour. We made a mess."

He chuckled a little as well.

"I guess we did. Here, let's clean up a little."

Barbatos washed some dishes while I cleaned the counters.

For the rest of our short break we talked about ourselves.

Sure we'd hung out before, but we never really got the chance to talk.

I learned a bit about him, he's a pretty secretive person.

He told me he'd tell me more when the time was ready.


Our cakes were done.

We carefully took them out of the oven.

After they cooled we took our time stacking the cakes on top of each other.

"Now for my favorite part.." I said, grabbing the icing bags. "Decorating time!"
Barbatos gave me a quick smile.

We decided to do red icing.

We drew flowers and leaves in black and grey.

We took a step back and admired our work.

"It looks good.. But it needs something." I said

"It does? I think it looks fine."

I thought for a moment.

"Do you have gold-ish icing and fondant?"
"Yes, it's in the cabinet over there."

In the gold icing I wrote the basic "Happy Birthday Luci!" and some diamonds with the fondant.

"Perfect! What do you think?"
"I think I just found myself a new baking partner."
"Really?" I asked excitedly


I smiled.

Suddenly he wiped something off of my cheek.

"Sorry, you had some frosting there."
I took some icing off of his nose.

We laughed.

It was nice.

"Barbatos.. I'm really glad you invited me to bake with you today! It was really fun."

"I'm glad you had fun. I've enjoyed myself as well."

We sat for a few minutes in silence.

"I really hope Lucifer likes this cake because it took awhile."
"I hope so as well, we wouldn't want to disappoint him."

"Why don't we go tell Lord Diavolo that we're finished for the day."
"Alright, then he can see our cake!" I said

{A few minutes later}

"Wow Barbatos, this is incredible!" Diavolo said

"Thank you My Lord. But I didn't do this all on my own, I had some help." He said, gesturing for me to step forward

"Oh um.. Yes I helped a little. I hope you like it."

"I love it, and I'm sure Lucifer will too. Thank you." He said with a wide smile

Diavolo glanced at the time.

"You've been working for a while. Why don't you take the rest of the day off."
"A-are you sure? There's still some work to do."
"Yes I'm sure. Now go enjoy the rest of your day."

Diavolo left the kitchen.

Barbatos looked surprised.

"Well since you have the rest of the day off.. Would you like to hangout some more? I've had a really good time today."
"I would love to." He said with a smile

I was excited, but tried my best to hide it.

"Well, shall we go?"
"Yes we shall my good sir." I said in a joking tone

He chuckled a little as we walked to his room.



Hello everyone, I don't see very many Barbatos fanfictions so I decided to make my own! Please let me know if there's anything I can improve. This is my first fanfiction so it might not be the best, but I hope you liked it :) Also I have no idea how to tag ff so uh JDFLKAAJKS

Barbatos x GN Reader One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now