Chapter 1

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"It's InuYasha!" Villagers cry out, running around terrified of the half demon that broke through the net they tried and failed to capture him with.

The Hanyō quickly broke through the shrine holding the object of his terrorizing, the Shikon no Tama, or the Jewel of Four Souls. Snatching it he jumped through the roof, immediately the shrine exploded throwing debris; InuYasha just smirked.

He didn't get very far before he was thrown against a large tree by another Demon, who pinned him there easily.

"W-what?!" He looked up at the taller Demon, who didn't, no couldn't, look him in the eye. "Rieka! Let me go we-"

A yell caught both their attention. "INUYASHA!" An arrow flew through the air and pinned the Hanyō there permanently; also making him drop the Jewel which the Demon picks up.

"K-Kikyo... but I thought..." He falls limp seemingly dead.

The Priestess that shot the arrow limped to the tree, Rieka quickly went to help.

"Kikyo you mustn't move, your wound-" She tried but the shorter woman stopped her, wincing in pain every time she moved her head making the wound worse.

"No, I won't be in this world much longer."

"Kikyo!" Kaede, Kikyo's little sister, ran to the duo, other villagers with her. "Sister Kikyo you're hurt!"

"Yes, I know." She takes the Jewel from Rieka. "All because of this Shikon no Tama the Jewel of Four Souls." Kikyo winces again.

"We must tend to your injuries, Kikyo!" Rieka tried to wrap her wound, to try anything to keep her in this world.

"No, I'm beyond saving. Listen, Rieka, Kaede. Take this Sacred Jewel.... and burn it with my body. It must never get into the hands of the wicked at heart." The Miko clutches the Jewel tighter before falling to her side.

"Kikyo?" She doesn't answer or even move. "KIKYO!" The demon yells out in pain, grabbing at her chest where her heart is, crying out for her but she would never come back.


'The Sikon no Tama... I will take it with me to the other world.'

As Kikyo's corpse burns, Rieka looks on, eyes red and puffy from crying but her eyes hold no more emotion.

After she walks back to the tree that held the Hanyō, eyes watering only slightly before disappearing.

She sits down on the ground below the person she once called her friend and lover.

'InuYasha, Kikyo.... I'm sorry, I couldn't protect you....'

She sets her sword under her left arm, leaning on her shoulder. Crossing her legs and closing her heterochromia eyes she falls into a deep sleep, an invisible barrier covering her from any danger.


A teenage girl runs through the forest to the tree she saw as home but as she pushes past some bushes she realizes that it wasn't.

"A boy? And girl?" She walks closer stopping at the girl first seeing as she was closest.

She wore bindings on her chest with her dark purple warrior's kimono around her waist and her katana under her crossed arms and leaning on her shoulder. She had long black hair worn in a high ponytail, her bangs framing her beautiful face, with wolf ears on her head, her tail laying limp at her side. She had flowers surrounding her, some looked like they were placed there as if she was dead, and a bird on her shoulder chirping happily.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2021 ⏰

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