Pail me

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Waring: This contains sexual content and slight description of violence

==> Reader: Be Eridan Ampora

Your computer have been blowing up and no, not literally this time. You've been sitting in your hive staring at it as countless trolls that mostly hates you have been trying to get your attention. You have not left your hive for a week and your traitor of ex matesprit have had to feed her lusus all by herself. You had hoped she would fail at that but it seems like the lowbloods are still alive.

You're about to fall asleep when you see a certain troll starting to spam you on pesterchum.

TwinArmageddons [TA] began trolling caligulasAquarium [CA]

TA: Hey ED

TA: What have you even been doiing for a glubbiing week

TA: Fef ii2 just 2ayiing ii 2houldnt bother and 2he ii2 probably riight

TA: But a2 your kii2me2ii2 iits my duty to bother you

TA: What the glub are you doiing? ii wiill 2end Fef to per2onally drag you out of there

TA: Now I'm not even using my quirk to show you how damn serious I am

You sigh and sit down at your computer to calm your kismesis down. Though you've stayed in your hive for this long just to get away from him and Feferis shit.

CA: Stop using glub and I don't wwant to be your kismesis anymore

CA: So leavve me alone

TA: What iif Fef want2 to be your matespriit now?

CA: Then tell her to fuck off

TA: And Vrii2ka want2 to be your Kii2mesii2 agaiin?

TA: Or Karkat2 flu2hed for you, ii dont even know who you liike anymore

CA: I don't care, I don't wwant to talk to anyone

TA: That2 iit

TA: iim goiing to pull your 2hiit together

TwinArmageddons [TA] ceased trolling caligulasAquarium [CA]

CA: Sol don't you dare

CA: Sollux?

Seems like your kismesis decided that he had enough. You're not sure he's actually going to your hive though, perhaps he'll just send you some sucky virus.

But a few hours later someone's banging on the door and you just try to ignore it.

==> Eridan: Be annoying ex kismesis

You are now Sollux Captor and right now you are fighting a door to get to your kismesis.

"ED OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR" You yell but the arrogant prick is completely ignoring you. You're just about to use your psionics when someone opens the door and gets hit in the chest instead. Eridan crashes into a wall. He groans in pain and you want to smirk but you can't really do it.

"Fucking bulgesucker" Eridan groans and you roll your eyes. But when you try to help him up he ignores you.

"I said I'm not your kismesis anymore, go away" He mumbles and you don't know how to handle this.

"Fine" You snarl and start to get out of there. You shouldn't be worried by the fact that he haven't even eaten in a week but you are.

"You know what? No" You say and turn back around. You use your psionics to pull him up from the floor and push him against the wall.
"I'm not leaving until you tell me what the fuck is wrong" You growl and he squeaks as he tries to get out of your grip. You like seeing him so powerless and honestly it makes you want to pail him which you are allowed to do in a highly kismesis way.

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