Shut Up (Make Me)

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George couldn't be happier with his roommate.

Dream was nice, Dream was funny, and the two of them respected each other. It was better than George had ever thought it would be, seeing how he spent practically all of high school fearing the worst.

George had been expecting someone loud, someone obnoxious, someone who didn't care for his needs and wouldn't listen to his complaints. Someone who would make too much noise and not listen to criticism about it, someone who would disrupt George while he was studying and not take 'no' for an answer. Someone stubborn, but in a bad way.

But Dream wasn't like that.

Dream—despite his position on the football team and an appearance that made it look like he was about to beat George to a pulp—was nice. He was soft and too-concerned about bothering George, always asking if the volume on his TV was up too high or if it was getting too late for him to still have his lights on.

Dream was sweet. George liked being his friend, and he was beyond happy he had a roommate he got along with.

On the contrary, Sapnap was everything terrible that George had expected. And they weren't even roommates.

Sapnap was in the room adjacent to his and Dream's. He had a roommate, George met him once—his name was Karl. Karl was like Dream, too-nice and caring. But about a week into the first semester of freshman year, he got homesick and moved off-campus. He only lived twenty minutes away, and he was more than willing to make the commute to and from the university every day.

Which meant Sapnap was alone in his dorm room, and he thought he could make as much noise as he wanted.

George had picked the wrong side of the room on move-in day. He had chosen the bed against the wall that him and Dream shared with Sapnap. At the time, he didn't realize how fatal his mistake was. At the time, he didn't realize that Sapnap's bed was on the other side of that wall. At the time, he didn't predict Karl moving back home or the fact that Sapnap would have the loudest fucking sex every night.

The moment Karl moved out, it started. Like he had been waiting for it.

After helping his now ex-roommate move all his stuff out of their dorm, Sapnap brought someone home. And he fucked them loud enough for George to hear every piece of it, eternally envious of the noise-cancelling headphones Dream had on. The blond was completely oblivious, and George was alright to keep it that way—he wasn't going to bother Dream and make him suffer, too.

Sometimes, it was during the day. And when it was fucking 2 pm and George was trying to enjoy some alone time in his dorm, he was not going to sit there and listen to Sapnap fuck someone's brains out next door. So he'd go to the library, or on a walk, or just fucking somewhere, anywhere but his bed next to the wall he shared with that fucking menace.

But when it was four in the morning and George couldn't sleep, he wasn't about to get up and leave. So he'd lay still in his bed with his eyes wide open, letting his ears spill over with all the grossly lewd sounds from the next room over.

He'd think about getting up and stealing Dream's headphones, but he never wanted to wake him up. The dorm beds were exceptionally creaky, and even so much as rolling over made a completely excessive amount of noise. Dream wasn't a light sleeper, but he certainly wasn't heavy, either.

And besides, George would feel bad if he took something of Dream's without asking him first. And his headphones were nice, and he'd paid for them himself, and George didn't want to encroach on what seemed to be his favorite thing.

But it was loose screws and creaky beds that served to make Sapnap's decisions worse on the poor brunet's ears, stuck listening to everything from near-screaming to the creak of a bed that kept slamming into the wall.

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