Chapter 1

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"Hey girl, are we still going out tonight?" I ask my best friend Mia whilst painting my toe nails sat on the phone. I still live at home with my mum and little sister who's 17 and annoying. Seriously..
"Oh my god, yes girl. Come to mine and get ready with me. Pre drinks" she calls out at the end. Laughing I agree with her.

"Yeah, alright. I'll be around soon. Dress or?" I ask her and she hums down the line.
"Maybe.. I'm wearing a co-ord babe. You'll look hot whatever you choose babes" she tells me and I can't help but smile. She's the best.
"Thanks babe, I'll see you soon love ya. Mwah" I blow a kiss down the phone and hang up. Sitting at my vanity I let my toe nails finish drying then grab a bag ready to throw in my outfit and my makeup. This is going to be a long but good night.

Standing infront of my closet I look through all my clothes and come across a dress I haven't worn yet.
"Oh my god yes!" I squeal a little to myself happily and take it from the hanger. Looking at it against my body in my full length mirror and I agree with Mia. I'll look hot.
Folding the dress up I put it into my weekend bag and pull on a girly black tracksuit with my Adidas trainers. I grab my white strap heels and my white clutch putting it into my bag making sure nothing spills on my dress.
Pulling my long brown hair up into a ponytail I grab my bag and make my way down stairs.
Walking into the same kitchen while my mum is at the kitchen table smoking a cigarette. This is my fucking life..
"Mum can I have some money please. I'm going to stay at Mia's" I ask her holding out my hand. I have my own money but why spend mine when I can get some from her.
"You always want something Stacey. What about me?" she says and I roll my eyes at her.
She rummages through her bag on the table and pulls out her purse. I look into it and she moves it from my eye sight.
"I will slap you if you don't move" my mother says to me. I look around the kitchen and then back at her when I see movement. She hands me three twenty pound notes and I smile at her.
"Thanks mum, be back tomorrow" I tell her and turn to leave.
"I love you Stacey" she says and I just hum back at her agreeing.
Climbing into my car I got for my 18th from dad, I put my bag on the passengers seat and start my engine with my music syncing and roaring into life. I pull off listening to 'AJ Tracey & Kehlani coupé' singing along, I smile happy to be seeing my bestie.
Turning on my air con and pulling down my sun vise I kick back and enjoy the ride.

Pulling up outside Mia's apartment I climb out grabbing my bag and make my way to her front door, getting back out of the heat.
Knocking I wait for her to answer..
"Hey girl" she says and hugs me tightly.
"Girl I've missed you" I say to her as we pull back and she escorts me in. I love Mia's apartment it's just the right size, open planned living room and kitchen and two good sized bedrooms.
Following her into her room I see the outfit she's got hanging on the mirror with the shoes and bag. It's really nice actually. I love how Mia dresses. She has that hourglass figure everyone raves about with a perfect pair of boobs and a peach ass. Envious isn't even the word. But I love her none the less.
"So did you decide on a dress" she asks raising a brow clearly wanting to see.
"No, I'm wearing this what I have on" I tell her being deadly serious but I'm only playing with her.
"Absolutely NOT Stacey!" she stresses then covers her mouth looking me over.
"Rude bitch! I have my dress, I was joking. But I should go like this now" I tell her crossing my arms.
"You look good babes, it's just not for nightclubs" she says and laughs a little. She's right and obviously I wouldn't go out in what I've got on. That would be weird of me.
I watch as she rummages through my bag pulling out my dress I've chosen.
"Wow. Your gonna look smokin' girl. I love it" she tells me with a massive grin. I smile at her hoping she's right. My boobs are a good size and I have wide hips and a very round ass. This dress is going to show it all whether I like it or not. This is all I have with me. And like I said my ass big so I don't fit in Mia's clothes. Please god, please god I silently pray.
"Go on.. Put it on babes I want to see what it looks like" she says fastening her bra up. We've seen each other naked a bunch of times, it's no big deal well for her anyways. Mia loves her body and she didn't even have to do anything to get it. That's the bitching part I hate the most..
Stripping out my clothes and trainers I take off my bra and pull the dress over my head and smooth it down my body. It feels good. Please look good I repeat to myself with my eyes closed.
"Oh my god girl you look sexy as fuck" Mia says pulling me along to look in the mirror.. Wow

"Are you sure Mia. I don't want to look a mess" I tell her looking at her through the mirror.
"As if I'd let you leave here looking like a mess babes. Your too hard on yourself your fucking hot. Accept it!" she states with no room for arguments. OK then.
I sit at Mia's vanity and look at the reflection staring back. What the actual fuck? Is that even me? I think to myself seeing someone completely different. Mia did my makeup for me while I just straightened my hair and curled the ends a little and it all works with the dress. This could be the new me if I put my mind to it.

"I'm ready, you look gorgeous by the way girl" I tell her as she hooks my arm smiling.
"Thanks babes. Now let's get our twerk on" she says and winks at me.
Walking into the club it's swarming with bodies and loud music, flashing lights and the smell of alcohol, sex and sweat. Great.
"One drink. Then we're leaving Mia" I warn her not wanting to stay in this festpit for any longer. She just laughs at me shaking her head.
A handsome bartender comes over to us.
"What can I get you beautiful ladies" he shouts over the music then smiles slow and sexy looking Mia over with lust. Fuck sake.. Everytime!

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now