The Demon of Wools orphanage

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Severus was agitated more so than usual he had a sneer upon his face because he was tasked with providing a muggleborn student with there hogwarts letter wich was supposed to be minerva's job but.

  flashback starts'

Minerva was in her office when the letter appeared from hogwarts herself wich read Nyx Perrlinean of room number 28 of Wools Orphange . '' Oh my not another one I have over 23 more to do today alone hmm I know'' She grabbed some floo powder from the vase next to the fireplace and tossed it in to the fire '' Severus snapes office '' What is it Minerva I have a very complicated potion on its simmering faze cant this wait.'' Snape said most annoyed '' Oh this will just take a second Severus I just need a favor from you'' Minerva said ''Well what is it'' Snape said still annoyed '' I just need you too deliver this letter for me to a muggleborn student at Wools orphanage . Its just a small favor Severus considering the boon u owe me for that little incident with longbottom in your potions class last year '' Minerva said with a smirk on her face. '' OH alright when do i need to deliver this letter'' Severus said now agitated '' today if you can Severus'' Minerva said happily ''Very well'' Severus said

flashback end  

So Snape  was walking upon the steps of the orphanage letter in hand to the incredibly toad like muggle woman at the front desk. '' Yes what is it  you want '' the woman said rudely. Snape sneered at her as if she was the lowest species on the earth '' I am here to speak to one of the children under your care about a private schooling matter. ''  Snape said most annoyed  '' Very well what is the child name the woman said '' Nyx Perrlinean '' Snape said and the woman looked at him with astonishment and what looked like a twinge of fear '' Are you here to take that demon away from here '' Snape was bewildered that this woman would call a child that. '' Yes I am here to give him his letter and take him shopping for supplies'' Snape said  '' Oh good the boys upstairs in room 28 would you like me to walk you up '' the woman said looking like she would rather do anything else '' No I am very much capable of doing this on my own.'' Snape walked up the stairs to room 28 and knocked on the door a quite '' yes'' was heard and Snape walked in and saw a boy who looked no older than 8 years old there were obvious signs of malnourishment and there were cuts and bruises up and down the boys arms an legs and what looked like  whip lashes on the boys blood soaked shirt but the boy looked at him as if he felt none of this '' Who has done this to you child'' Snape said with alarm and disgust in his voice .  The boy looked at his arms and legs and then looked up at Severus with a look of sweet innocence and Snape took a step back in surprise for what he saw were the crimson red eyes of his lord.

The child spoke in a soft and innocent tone '' The mean lady who calls me a demon, she says I'm a freak to just because I can talk to snakes I don't know why all I know is she thinks I'm evil.'' Severus had to stop himself from going down to the patron of this orphanage and cursing her within an inch of her life '' Young man what is your name if I may ask''  ''I don't think I have a name sir everybody here just calls me freak or thing '' The boy said starting to tear up do to not knowing anything the scary man was talking about . Severus was angry fuck he was livid who would do this to such a child and the boy did not even know his own name but with years of occlumency training he held in his emotions and said '' Your name is Nyx Perrilinean and if you will allow me I wish to heal those wounds you have on your back '' Oh no you don't have to there already gone anyways ''Nyx said with satisfaction '' That's not possible you couldn't of healed that fast show me your back '' but still Nyx was correct the lash marks were gone not even leaving a scratch same with all his other injuries they were all gone. By this point Severus was very confused and unnerved he had never heard of a child's magic being strong or controlled enough to heal scars as if they were nothing ''Alright young man i want you to come with me I'm here to take you away from this '' and with just those words the boy sprung from his spot on the floor and into Severus most unwilling hands Severus caught the boy only so he wouldn't fall and they were on there way to Diagon Alley

None of this is mine the original Harry potter books belong to J.K Rowling

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2022 ⏰

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