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"What happens when the population of the earth decides that a group of people are worth less, because they are weaker? What happens when a group of people is treated so badly that they shut down - die?  

They go extinct.  

That happened to omegas centuries ago. Alphas and betas thought omegas are not really useful or important so they treated them like shit until they eventually all died.  

Every female no matter the second gender is able to bear children, it just takes longer to get them pregnant with alphas taking the longest. Most of the time the babies are born too soon and underdeveloped since it usually is an omegas part to get pregnant. But since they went extinct, betas and alphas had to take over the job to keep the human race alive.  

They didn't know how strong omegas actually were. What pain it brought to bear a child and after that how complicated it can be to take care of an infant when you don't have it in your nature.  

So a lot of babies died soon after the last omega died. This went on for some years until someone finally figured out how to properly care for children at all ages. They put it in a book so parents could study it and give their children a fighting chance.  

Centuries later and a miracle happened. An omega was born. And with this first omega, there came more. By far not as much as there were before, but approximately every 10.000 child born is an omega.  

You would think the other second genders would have learned from their mistakes, but they haven't. That's why we stay here in the woods, where no one can find us."  

"But what did they do?" a small boy asks, big and curious blue eyes looking up at his mother, who is looking back with her brown eyes, giving him a sad look.  

"I told you before, my love, you're too young to understand it." she tells him, reaching out her hand to place it on his cheek and gently caresses it with her thumb.  

The boy pouts. "But I am 6 now! I'm a big boy! I watch over Lottie and Fizzy all the time because I am a big boy!" he argues.  

His mother chuckles, moving her hand back and instead picking the boy up, placing him on her lap. She pokes his nose, making it scrunch up adorably. "But you have to be even bigger than you already are. Soon I will tell you."  

"When?" he insists, bouncing on her lap excitedly.  

The mother thinks for a moment. "When you turn 13 I will tell you, okay?"  

The boy stops moving and groans. "So far away!" he complains, making his mum chuckle again.  

She puts him down. "Now go and help dad with the fire wood. Winter is coming closer and closer."  

The boy nods and runs out of the house to his father.  


"Sleep tight, birthday boy. I can't believe how fast you've grown up. You are a teenager now." the mother rambles with a soft smile.  

She runs her hand through her son's hair lovingly before leaning down and pecking his forehead.  

"See you tomorrow." she whispers and leaves the small room.  

"Mum?" the boy whispers before she can fully close the door.  

She peeks her head back inside, tilting her head to silently ask what's wrong.  

The boy sits up. "You promised to tell me what the people did to omegas - after they came back from extinction." he says quietly, afraid his mother forgot or would tell him again that he isn't old enough.  

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