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"Teacher, you didn't have to hit him so hard," Destiny whimpered, stamping his hooves. "He's not bleeding, is he?"

"Your Excellency, he tried to attack you," Twister nearly shouted, Star glaring at the pegasus.

"My apologies, Your Excellency, I'll ensure that in the event this happens again-"

Before Star could finish his tangent, the pale grey unicorn shifted. He groaned, slowly lifting himself back to his hooves.

"It appears he's awake," Star commented quietly, the two unicorns sharing an angry glare. "Now, good sir, or madam, who might you be?"

"So, you strike first and ask questions later?" The unicorn demanded, Star smirking at him.

"Did you not try to strike His Excellency with an ax?"

"Did you not break into my home without a warrant?"

"Do we need a warrant?" Twister growled, Destiny fluttering his wings.

"We do," he mumbled softly. "Please forgive us, sir, we'll be leaving immediately."

"We can't just walk out on him attacking you!" Ruby Blade howled. "You can turn him in for attempted murder, can't you?"

"Can we prove that he was attempting murder?" Sparkling Swirl asked softly.

Star and the unicorn made eye contact.

"What's your name?"

"What's it to you?"

"Answer the question, sir," Star demanded, getting in between Destiny and the unicorn.

"Calm Mind."

Twister snorted, Calm Mind shooting him a glare.

"Calm Mind?" Ruby Blade repeated, exchanging glances with Destiny. "It's me, Ruby Blade, remember?"

Calm Mind stared at her.  The ruby on his ruffled tie was surrounded by decorative gold that created what seemed to be a pin. It was beautiful, but also made Destiny uneasy.

"," Calm Mind answered after a long period of silence. "I think you all should leave."

"We're actually looking for yo-" Destiny began, Calm Mind's horn sparking to life as he put some books back on the shelves.

"No, no, no, you don't understand," Calm Mind retorted swiftly. "You need to leave."

"Wait, why?" Moonstar queried, Calm Mind backing away from the group.  An alarm sounded, a rush of anxiety very obviously running through the unicorn.  "What's that?"

"Get out!" Calm Mind hissed, before seeming to realize something. "You know what? Follow me."

Without waiting for an answer, Calm Mind galloped through the door he had originally come through, the group hesitantly following. Calm Mind turned left, continuing to lead them through a series of tunnels.
He eventually stopped after what felt like an eternity, everyone's hooves hurting. Calm Mind was breathing heavily, peering around. His magic was a fluorescent pink, not at all matching his brown eyes. Destiny stopped. Calm Mind's eyes changed to green about halfway through.

"What do we do now?" Star asked, it sounding like a demand. His voice had snapped Destiny out of his thoughts.

"There's a door at the end of that hall," Calm Mind said, pointing to his right. Destiny couldn't see the supposed door, but the hallway was pitch black. Star's horn lit up, the red light bouncing off of the walls.

"We'll be taking our leave, then," Star said, before turning towards Calm Mind. "For a serial killer, you're not bad."

"What?" Calm Mind blurted out, his ears twitching. Destiny noticed they had not once stood straight up. "How-"

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