[ Author's Note ]

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        Hello my lovelies!! Holy shit!! This has finally gotten to 1K reads! I know that isn't much compared to some other things on here, but it's really big to me :') I want to thank every single one of you amazing people who keep reading this. It means so much to me! I'd like to hear more of your feedback and see your comments on different parts of these chapters, but either way, you all make me a very happy writer <3

        I know this isn't an update, but let me just explain to you why I haven't been as active here lately-

        1. I'm getting dental surgery, as I've said numerous times before, though the date for that is right around the corner! I'm getting it done on March 10th-just six days away from now! I've been doing a lot of prep for that such as getting different appliances put into my mouth, blood work, and all that jazz. 'All that jazz' means school work.

        2. School for me lately has gotten extremelyyyyyy stressful and has been taking a great toll on me, since it's getting closer and closer to the end of the year and teachers, for whatever goddamn reason, have been putting more and more work on our shoulders. It doesn't help that during my recovery, I'm going to be missing days and be in and out of school depending on how I feel that day. I'll try to update after my surgery, seeing as I won't be in school, but I'm not promising anything. As I write this, I'm supposed to be doing the shitload of homework that most of is due tomorrow.

        Of course, I procrastinate.

        I also have an important term paper due on the 24th of this month (fucking History ugh. Not my best subject) and I have no idea what the hell I want to do for my topic. Best part? The first part of the paper is due Monday >.< Fuck. My. Life.

        If anyone wants to suggest some ideas that won't bore me half to death, the topics we have to choose from can be from 1938-1980. I would love you forever if you gave me some ideas. <3

        If anyone who reads this isn't in high school yet, or is only a freshman, be thankful you don't have to deal with this crap. Don't put all your work off till the last minute-it will come back to bite you in the ass. I know I sound like your parents or teachers, but it's the truth.

        (Sorry for the little rant there, just had to get it out.)

        And 3. My relationships. Most of my relationships I feel are crumbling away from beneath me and it's been knawing at my mind for weeks and weeks now. My boyfriend and I are doing good, other than the fact that we haven't been able to see each other as much as we had before. Hell I would only get to see him once a week. Now it seems like every two weeks I see him or I only see him for a half an hour...it fucking sucks man. My friends-well I feel like I have none of those, at least while I'm at school. Yeah I have some friends at the airsoft field and everything, but even they barely talk to me either. Sigh. 

        Life just sucks for me right now, honestly. I just need a break away from everything for awhile.

        If I don't update, it'll probably be most of these things combined. I'll see you beautiful ladies and gentlemen later.

        Jess xoxo

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