°.+New beginning+.°

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Lonelyness. Lonelyness and emptyness. Those were the only words I could hear inside of my lifeless empty body, as I found myself in a cold yet awkwardly comforting landscape. I slowly moved my eyes forward over the cloudy empty field I was on. Where was I? I couldn't remember a thing of what had happened to me, yet it felt so familiar. There were no houses anywhere to be seen, no mountains, no animals and no loud noises at all. I felt a slight smile in my cold numb face. I haven't smiled like this in an enternity, or that's what it had felt like. I heard a voice whispering my name softly into my ear. "Sato....Sato" it felt soft and quiet. I could feel the voice coming closer and closer. I wanted to take a look at who the sweet silent voice belonged to, but I couldn't move at all. Soft slender hands slided up my chest as I felt cold breath hitting my ear. "Sato....do you feel it now?".

Quickly I sat up and opened my eyes in a shock as the noises of my alarm clock got louder and louder. I quickly hitted the button that would end its suffering. Shaky and cold I looked down on my hands and from those out my window I kept next to my bed. All a dream after all. I got up and searched out my clothes but I couldn't stop thinking about my dream. I wonder who that woman was that I heard. Nobody familiar ofcourse. After getting dressed into my comfortable Uniform I walked down our unsteady stairs that creaked everytime someone would step on them. Today was a rainy day. I loved these days. Cold, comfortable and all loud noises would be blocked out by the strong drops falling down on the city streets.

As soon as I setted foot into our kitchen I walked in on my mother sitting frustrated at our dinner table. Her new boyfriend out of many was nowhere to be seen. I didn't like my family. Everytime we talked I felt more like a bystander than one of the main characters. Tears rolled down her pretty young face as I made myself a toast with butter. My therapist gave me advice that I shouldn't run after my mothers feelings since we have a big age gap. "Not going to care that I'm crying?" she asked getting a bit louder. I letted out a sigh and gave her my toast. She would need it more than me after all. With a bit more relieved mood my mom glanced up on me "Finally someone in this house with manners." I awkwardly fake smiled at her and walked to my schoolbag. "I'm heading out now" I letted out fast while opening the door and putting on my schoolbag. I didn't enjoy hearing my voice a lot. To me it sounds so helpless and shy. 

With my umbrella in my hand I walked through the liveless streets of my city. I wasn't able to bring my favorite umbrella with me, but who cares? Favorite objects are just an illusion that won't bring you anywhere. Nobody cares about favorite objects after all don't they? I walked past the shop all students mostly went to before class, not bothering to look into it. I opened the door to my school slowly and walked inside. Everything is so loud I just want to leave already. Few days ago I made plans when everything should end. Today would be the finish line. I planned it on a rainy day, just because I admired the rain a lot in my life. I walked up the long stairs to my class, and as I opened the door something didn't feel right. The class was full and everyone stared at me. "Also finally here?" the teacher said which made some students giggle. I was way too late.

Someone stood behind the teacher. I couldn't recognize their face. That's when I rememberd that there would be a new student today. Seems like I totally forgot like always. I stood there for some seconds and stared into their direction. As soon as the teacher stepped a little away I saw them in their full beauty. A new boy in my class. He noticed how I stared, yet he didn't look disgusted or made me look like a laughing stock. No, in full luck he gave me a sweet soft smile that broke all glasses that kept me from full colour of living. The teacher said bit loud "Aren't you going to sit down Sato?" which brought me back into reality. I quickly shook my head and went ahead to sit down in my seat in the back of class. "Itoshi, go ahead and sit down wherever you'd like" I heard from our maths teacher as he pointed to 3 free seats. One seat next to me on the same table was still free. With no hopes that he'd choose to sit with me I took out my maths supplies. I softly felt a warm pat on my shoulder. With a surprised face I looked at the boy who smiled at me. How sweet. I felt warm inside and happy too. "I'm Tsunabe Itoshi and who are you boy who came late?" He teased me. His voice was so familiar. But why?

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