Chapter 88

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In October, the school held a Halloween Carnival, which I went to with my friends. Mom and Dad also came. 

Of course, they had a Halloween party at the house again. I wasn't feeling well, so I didn't dress up and spent most of the night upstairs in my room. My uncles came to say hi and check in, but otherwise, I mostly slept through Halloween. 

November was a rough month. I got really, really sick with another really bad pneumonia. I was in the hospital for almost three weeks this time. I also couldn't keep food down and when I could eat my stomach hurt. Doc said it was time for a feeding tube, and that the tube might not be permanent, but I couldn't go without it, I wasn't absorbing any nutrients otherwise. 

The surgery didn't take long and Mom and Dad learned how to set up my feeds.  I was told if I felt like eating, I absolutely could, but that if I didn't, the feeds would cover my needs. It sucked, but it was necessary. 

The feeding tube actually made me feel a lot better since I didn't have to have constant stomach pains and throw up every time I ate. Mom or Dad would set it up before I went to bed, and I'd sleep with the feed running. It saved time in the morning, a bit, because Mom or Dad just had to unhook me, and then I could get dressed and go to school. 

"You look so much better," Mom said after I'd been on the feeds for a couple of weeks. "You're gaining weight, and you don't look so drawn and pale. And you don't nap so much."

"I feel better," I said.  "I should have done this ages ago. It's so much more convenient." 

"You're horrible," she said. "Let's go. You have an appointment with Doc after school, by the way."

"I know," I said, showing her my phone calendar, which reminded me of every appointment I had. 

I was no longer taking PE, because I hadn't had the energy to participate, and now the feeding tube put me at greater risk for infection. I was able to get the credit still, by writing a couple of papers about health topics. 

Mom and Dad hosted Christmas at our house this year. I was feeling okay, but traveling just seemed like a chore with the feeding tube stuff. PopPop and Granny came up to celebrate with us, and we sat by the fireplace on Christmas Eve, and ate popcorn and watched campy Christmas movies. Dad would sing along with the songs. I stayed snuggled up to PopPop, cozy in my Christmas pajamas.  

Dad and I did a Christmas Morning stream once we'd both gotten up. 

"Merry Christmas, my vros!" Dad started. "Merry Christmas from me and my beautiful daughter."

I waved. 

'Is Jess okay? She looks really skinny,' someone asked. 

'That's rude, dude,' someone responded. 

'But she does look kinda pale,'

"I'm okay, guys," I said. "I've been pretty sick off and on this year, so yeah, I've lost a lot of weight. Right now I have this fancy guy." I showed them the feeding tube under my shirt. 

"It's a feeding tube. It makes it a lot easier for me to get nutrients because my stomach has been a bit unkind."

"But she's been doing so much better with it, and it might not be permanent," Dad said. 

'Jess, how are you, really?' someone asked. 

"Really, I'm okay," I said. "I've been better, but I'm okay. And hey, it's Christmas!! So I'm awesome. I have my amazing parents and my awesome grandparents here!"

'Merry Christmas, Urie Family!' someone else posted. 

'I hope you have an amazing, healthy year, Jess' someone said. 

We stayed on for a little longer and then went to have Christmas breakfast with PopPop and Granny.  I ate a little bit, but my stomach was still not quite having it. PopPop and Granny exchanged looks when I pushed my plate away and leaned on the table. 

"Feeling alright, angel?" PopPop asked. 

"Yeah. Just, my stomach hurts if I eat too much. This is why we have the feeding tube. It sucks because I miss eating, so I try sometimes, but as long as my stomach is a jerk and makes me sick every time I eat, I'm stuck with it."

"I know it doesn't look great," Mom said. "And I know it makes it look like  Jess isn't eating, but she's done so much better on the feeding tube. She's gotten more energy back, and even though she takes a nap most days, before the feeding tube, she could barely make it through the school day. She'd fallen asleep in class more than once. Or on the way home from school."

"I just worry about what it could mean," PopPop said, coming over to me and giving me a hug. "You're too precious to lose, angel." 

Granny had tears in her eyes. 

"Guys, I'm not going anywhere so soon. I promise," I said. 

Mom and Dad had tears in their eyes, too. 

"Why don't we open some presents!?" I said, trying to stop everyone from being sad. They were worried I was dying, and I am not ready to yet!

That got everyone smiling again, and we went over to the couch, and Mom and Dad started handing out gifts. 

"Jess, this one says it's from Santa," Dad said, looking confused and picking up a package in gold paper. "Sarah? Did you buy this one?"

"No," Mom said, looking at the tag. 

"Boyd, Grace? This doesn't look like either of your handwriting. Did you bring this one?"

"Not us. Everything we brought is wrapped up in the same Snoopy Christmas paper."

"Very funny guys.  I stopped believing in Santa when I was eight," I said taking the package from Dad.

I looked it over.  It was wrapped in gold paper, with a white bow. I didn't recognize the handwriting, either.  It was a box, that's for sure, but it was thin, and sort of long. 

"I'm almost afraid to open it. Who's it from?"

"I have no idea," Mom said. And even Dad didn't have the twinkle in his eye that he would if he were pulling a prank.  Then again, he hadn't had that twinkle for my birthday party fiasco, either. 

I undid the bow, and opened the box. Inside was an envelope with my name on it. 

I opened the envelope and my jaw dropped to the floor. 

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