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•Olivia Grace•

Today is the day. Today is the day I get away from hostile living. The abuse, the fear, that ends today. I pick up my phone and dial Vinnie's number, telling him to come pick me up, it's time. I hear him get up quickly and grab his keys, telling me to stay put and that he's on his way. He stays on the phone with me and often hears a sniffle hear and there. I hear a car pull into the driveway and Vinnie hangs up. I see him walking up the driveway with a bag. It looks like the bag I left at his house the last time I went over there, which wasn't long ago. It was about 3 days ago.

He opens the front door and sees me laying on the floor infront of the stairs. "Oh hun.. what happened?" He says to me, placing my head in his lap. "He did it again Vin, take me away please." I said struggling to keep my eyes open. Vinnie nods his head and takes me up to my room and lays me on my bed. He starts packing all my clothes and everything I have into multiple bags and a suitcase. He carries everything into his car and comes back up to my room. He picks me up and kisses my forehead, I smile and hug his neck. I have always have a deep love for Vinnie. But he I never think he would see me as more than a friend.

Vinnie puts me in the car, shutting the door and running to his side. He opens the door, sitting in the car. He looks over at me and smiles while putting a hand on my thigh. He grabs my face with the other hand, bringing me closer to him. "Vinnie what are you doing?" I ask him quietly. He smiles at me, and pulls away, "We will just have to finish what I started when we are home." He says, starting the car and pulling out of the driveway.

Finish what? I ask myself.

•Chris Cerulli•

Olivia Grace, my daughter. My sweet girl. My only hope left in life. I can't believe it's been years since she was taken from me. Kidnapped. She was taken too soon. Who knows who she's with and if she is even still alive. I try to get that out of my head all the time, but it always comes back to me in my dreams. The guys and I have been keeping an eye out for her in every state me go to, but no luck. She's been the light of our days, she's been the one person that would help us with anything. Even when she was just 4. We all miss her so much, I can't wait for the day I can have her back.

I put the picture of her on my shelf in my bunk, closing the curtain and joining the rest of the guys. They all look at me, dead faced, no emotion. I raise my eyebrow and they all move to the side, revealing Ricky. He looks sweaty, tired, nervous maybe? I walk over to him, placing my hand on his shoulder. "What's wrong Rick?" He looks down and fiddles with his brackets, more on his wrist than normal.

I shew away the guys and they all walk out of the bus, leaving me a Ricky. I put my hand under his chin, making his look at me. He looks up at me, tears falling from his eyes. I cup his cheek in my hand, rubbing my thumb across it. " Ricky, love what happened?" I ask him again, he reaches up and wraps his arms around my neck. I hug his waist, pulling him up  so that his legs wrap around my waist. He cries into my shoulder, while I sit on the sofa hugging him. I rub his back, playing with his hair and kissing his head.

"Baby, tell me what happened please. I want to help you." I say softly in his ear. He lifts his head up, looking at me. I wipe his tears, keeping my hands on his small face. He looks down at my lips, then at my eyes. I smile and bring his face close to mine, our lips close apart. Ricky launches forward, kissing me. I place one of my hands on his waist, holding his face with my other hand. I pull away from the kiss, still holding his face in my hand. "We haven't really had us time in a few days, and i just really missed you love." He says to me.

I trace my hands down his body, wrapping my big arms around his small body. He leans into me, playing with some of my hair. "You're right handsome, how about we watch some movies in my bunk. How does that sound? We can order some food and cuddle all day." I say to him. He lifts his head and races to my bunk. How could you not love this boy?

Travel Time- Vinnie Hacker/Motionless In White Where stories live. Discover now