Chapter 1

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“Everything was fine, fantastic even until I met the biggest jerk in the world. He just makes me want to punch him so badly Tikki”.

“What exactly happened at the mall?", Tikki asked, flying closer to me.

“Well I had just got done shopping, ya know. And then I'm on the ground staring up at an angel. I wish he wasn’t a devil on the inside”, I say crossing my arms still quite mad about the whole situation.

“Hmm…  Well what happened next?”, she says sitting on top of my hands that I had held out for her. 

“Well that’s when everything went south”, I explain, the memory of him still fresh in my mind.


“Ohh sorry-hmm... What’s a cute thing like you doing on the floor?”, he asked with a smirk starting to spread on his face.
“I-I sorry”, I say, pushing myself off the ground, wanting to get away from the man as fast as possible before I embarrass myself even more. 

I tried to walk away when I felt a hand grab onto my wrist, pulling me back into the direction of the boy. “Leaving so soon?”, he asks, smiling like a lunatic. Great, just great. What did I get myself into now.

“Come join me for dinner, my friend” he said. What the heck? Dude, I literally just bumped into you a few minutes ago. Something bad is going to happen. I just know it.

“I’m not your friend or anything damn”, I say.

“Whoa no need for language, princess”. Who does this guy think he is?

“You think that you're the man”, I say clenching my fists. 

“I think therefore I am, princess”. Ugh. I swear I feel like punching this dude. 

“I’m not your friend or anything. So stop talking to me before I have to repeat myself. Again”, I growl.

“Damn. Someone has a temper. I like it'', he says. You think that you’re the man, huh well I think therefore I am and I’m going to prove that to you the easy way or the hard way. 

“Leave me alone”, I grunt, wiggling myself out of his grip. 

“Your strong, too. I like that as well”, he says, leaning closer. I turn on my head, willing my high ponytail into his face. I started walking as fast as I could away from him. I rushed into some store and hid behind a manikin. 

“Hey, Marinette. How are you?”. I look around and spot Alya on the other side of the store. I basically run over to her. 

“Hey, girl. What’s up?”, she asks as she grabs some cute tops from a shelf. 

“I just met this creep. It was awful". 

“Hey, Marinette”. I turned around and saw the man from before. He walked over to me, pinning me to the wall. He then leaned on his arm that was now placed over my head. I looked over to Alya who had her jaw dropped. He's not that cute. Who am I kidding? He was but this isn’t how you treat a girl and how does he know my name. 

“So Marinette… Want to go on a date with me?". I look back at Alya, her jaw dropping even more. 

“Stop. What the heck are you talking about?", I hissed. “Ha get my pretty name outta your mouth”.

“Come on. We're so alike. We would be perfect together”, he insists. 

“We are not the same", I argue.

“I know you like me. Everyone likes me”.

“Don’t talk ‘bout me. Like how you might know how I feel”, I growl at him. He looks a little startled but keeps his smirk. “Top of the world, but your world isn’t real. Your world, an ideal world, where all the girls just swoon at your presence. Well I hate to tell you, but I don’t like you and I don’t swoon”, I snarl. “So go have fun, I really couldn’t care less”. 

I slip under his arm and walk away. I then take a sharp turn and left him and his gaping mouth. “And you could give ‘em my best, but just know”, I smile sweetly. “I’m not your friend or anything damn you think that you’re the man, I think therefore I am”. As fast as I turned around, I turned back and headed towards my house. 


“That sounds terrible”, my kwami squeaks. 

“Ya. It was. Hey. It’s almost time for patrol”, I say.

“Let’s go”, she squeals. I giggle at her excitement. 

“Ok, Tikki. Spots on”. I transform into my suit and head towards Chat's. I land with a thump and see Chat on the other side of the roof sitting down looking at his hands. 

“Hey. What’s wrong?”, I ask, sitting down next to him. 

“I confronted my crush today. She didn’t even recognize me and now she probably thinks I’m a playboy now". He looks down sadly at his hands and my heart breaks at his sadness. 

“What did she say”, I ask.

“She said I’m not your friend or anything damn. You think that you're the man. I think therefore I am”, he whispers. I see a tear slowly go down his mask. He’s been talking nonstop about this girl and she has the nerve to say that but knowing Chat he probably came off too strong. 

“You might’ve came off too strong to her, ya know. Girls like to take it slow and if she didn’t remember you, you probably came off as a total creep”, I say, shoving his shoulder. 

“Ya. You're probably right. Though I can’t believe she didn’t remember me. I mean, it’s been a year but I don’t think I changed that much”, he sighs.

“Your appearance changes a lot in a year. I won’t blame her if she just didn’t recognize you”, I say, giving him a small smile to make him feel better. 

“Ya your right. I’ll try again tomorrow” he sighs. 

“Good. Now let's get to patrolling”. I jump up and go towards my usual route

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