bandaids help the ouchies go away

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Little! Wilbur

Cg! Phil

Babysitter! Techno

Brother! Tommy,techno

Wilbur is a girl in this like the "thank you Little guitarist." And uh psycho is just a kinda representation for crazy or strange behavior in that and this story.

Wilbur was walking outside to the flowerbed. Her long white dress was flowing in the wind. Her hat almost flew off and her hair was flowing all in her face. "Wilbur, come back!" Tommy yelled at his sister.  Techno sighed "we need to follow her or dad will be upset" he said walking to her.

Tommy sighed angerly. And followed behind techno.

Wilbur was walking to the flowerbed when she slipped on some mud and fell hitting her elbows on the ground. This scraped them open and wilbur screamed in agony. Alerting the two brothers.

They ran to the noise. They saw their sister watch the blood. They sighed. Techno picked her up. And started to walk back to their house.

They helped clean off the littles injuries and they all fell asleep on a couch with dirt and mud on their clothes.

"God dammit"

A/N: I'm dying inside. 👉👈 uwu, I hate myself sometimes. That is my new catchphrase. Also I got lazy.


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