Chapter 14.

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Ambers POV:

I woke up the next morning to find my self with no clothes on. I turned over to see Dan lying next to me with no clothes on aswell. Then I suddenly remembered the events of last night. I got dressed and walked to the kitchen to get some paracetamols and some water. I felt Dans muscular arms wrap around my waist, as he kissed my neck. I turned around and kissed him passionately as he stroked my hair. I was feeling a bit weasy but Im sure thats just because of the hangover I have. I saw all the beer cans around the living room, we must of had a lot to drink. I started to clean up a bit and I made Dan a sandwich as he told me to. Boys are so sexist!

 Dan had to go to the studio with Micky and Greg to work on some new demos. I felt really weasy now so I decided to have a lie down. I must of fallen asleep because I woke up at about half 3. I would of been asleep for 2 hours! I went to the shop to get some paracetamols and something else aswell. I brought my stuff and went home. I got a text from Dan saying he would back later than he thought as they ran over schedule. I felt really weird and not just from the hangover.

I got the other thing I brought out of the bag and went to the toliet.

You will never guess what. I cant believe it either. This cant be happening. Oh no. How am I supposed to tell Dan? Will he still love me? My parents will kill me! I dont know what to do! Someone help me. Im only 17, I have so much ahead of me and I've ruined it! I have ruined it all in one night! Maybe I wont tell Dan? But then if I dont he might get mad at me? But how am I supposed to tell my parents? They will proberly disown me, oh my god! Im worried! Im scared! HELP ME!

Oh wait you dont know what im on about. Guys, IM PREGNENT! IM ONLY 17 AND IM PREGNENT!

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