Baby Alert - A Diall Oneshot

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Demi:*wakes up from baby crying, turns to the other side of the bed and strokes Niall’s cheek whispering softly* Nialler, darling, wake up.

Niall:*opens his eyes and smiles seeing her* Morning love.

Demi:*smiles too, gets closer to him and kisses him* Morning. You hear that?

Niall:*stays quiet and then nods* Yeah, for sure. How can you not?*giggles* I guess it’s my turn, huh? *stands up and goes to Logan’s (the babys :D) room*

Demi:*after a few minutes* Niall, you’re alright?

Niall:*enters their room with Logan in his arms* We’re alright!*smiles and lays Logan down gently between Demi and himself*

Logan:*stares at Demi*

Niall:*watches Logan* Is that mommy, huh? You are amazed from her beauty just like me, right?

Logan:*giggles a bit like he understood*

Demi:*strokes Logan’s cheek and smiles widely* You two are the cutest boys ever…*looks at Niall* I bet he inherited the cuteness from you.

Niall:*just smiles*

Demi:*hears her phone vibrating* Darling, can you please look on my phone and read out the message, it’s laying on the table.

Niall:*nods and stands up, gets the phone and crawls back in the bed*

Logan:*has hiccups*

Demi:*looks at him* Oh dear, who’s thinking of you right now, huh?

Niall: I bet it’s my fault. I always think of you and him.*winks at her*

Demi:*shakes her head laughing* I don’t know how long I can still handle your cuteness.

Niall: Let’s start with forever and we will see…*smirks*

Demi:*giggles* And there we go again.*pauses* So what is it about the message?

Niall: Uh, yeah, sorry…*types on the phone* It’s from Justin:

 Hey there, guess who’s a father now? Yes, me and Selena are parents since 2 hours!!!

*stares at Demi smiling and goes on reading*

Our beautiful baby-girl Victoria Dawn Bieber waits for your visit this afternoon. You coming.? Please answer! Xx PS: I’m so happy!! ;)

Demi: *squeeks a bit* Aw, so cute and such a beautiful name. I knew somehow it’ll be a girl. We gonna visit them, aren’t we?

Niall:*nods smiling* Of course! Gosh I’m so excited. I’ll text back fast:

Oh my Gosh, that’s amazing! Congratulations! And for sure we’re coming. We’re so excited! Xoxo



Demi: We better let Logan’s crib outside, huh?

Niall: *nods and takes Logan out of it, makes him feel comfortable in his arms, looks at Demi* You gotta go?

Demi:*knocks and enters the room*

Niall:*follows her*

Justin: *smiles and whispers* Hey!

Demi:*hugs him tight* I’m so happy for you!

Niall:*hugs him like it’s possible with Logan in his arms* Congratulation bro…I know exactly how you feel *winks at him*

Justin: Thank you guys! *smiles*

Demi:*goes to Selena and hugs her very, very tight, kisses her cheek* Congratulations! I bet you’ll be an amazing mom.*smiles at her*

Niall:*comes behind* Yeah, just like Demi*smirks* I would like to hug you now, but you see, Logan wouldn’t agree.*smiles* But I feel so happy for you 3.

Selena:*glares* Thank you.

Diall: *watch Victoria*

Demi:*looks at her amazed* She’s really beautiful…

Niall:*whispers* Flawless…A beauty like her mom.

Selena:*giggles* Why so cute again, Mr. Horan?

Niall:*holds Logan closer to Victoria* Whatcha think son? Is she your type?*looks at him*

Logan:*stares at Vic*

Niall: I take that as an yes.*smiles and kisses his cheek*

Selena: Demi, how can you handle that cuteness the whole day?*laughs*

Demi: I have no idea!*laughs too* And Logan is just as cute as Niall, so it’s squared. But they both make me the happiest I can be.*kisses Logan’s cheek and Niall’s lips, takes Logan away from Niall* Go, hug your Selly! *giggles*

Niall: *hugs Selena smiling* You 3 are a perfect little family.

Justin: Thanks mate.*grins*

Selena: Can somebody get something to drink from the café downstairs?

Niall:*nods* For sure, dear.*leaves*

Justin: I bet he won’t only get something to drink.

Demi:*smiles* Yep, definitely not. Do they have cookies?

Justin:*nods* Yeah, I guess so.

Selena: Not long anymore!*laughs while stroking Victoria’s cheek*

A few minutes later

Niall:*comes in with 2 coffee and 2 water* I’ve bought coffee for Justin and me, and water for the ladies.

Justin: You’ve been away very long.

Niall: Yeah, I know, I just met someone and we talked a bit*pauses* Don’t you want to know who it was?

Selena: Sure.

Niall: Kelly Clarkson gave birth to her second son Owen yesterday!

Demi: Oh my Gosh, Kelly Clarkson!? Why didn’t you tell me earlier, I’m such a huge fan! You know where their room is?

Niall:*takes Logan* Yeah, just go, room 311.

Justin: I’ll guide you. I have to go to the reception anyways.

They leave.

Niall:*leans on the windowsill with Logan in his arms, looks at Selena and Vic, then smiles*

Selena:*watches him* Why are you smiling?

Niall:*looks at her* It’s just, I’m so glad that everything went right with you 3 and us 3*strokes Logan’s back* I’m happy that nothing bad happens around me anymore, you understand.?

Selena:*nods* Of course I do, I know your past.

Niall: Yeah, but my past is now finally past and Demi and Logan are my future*smiles*

I guess Demi was the best choice my heart ever made.

Selena:*smiles* I believe the same, Nialler. You’re made for eachother.

Niall:*nods smiling* Yeah, and I thank god every day for that.

Demi:*walks in with Justin* Okay, Owen is very cute, he looks like his dad, and Kelly was so nice, she gave me an autograph!

Justin:*laughs* And you had to see how excited she got, as Kelly asked for her and my autograph too.

Demi:*still smiles* So what were you two talking about?

Selena: It doesn’t matter, you won’t be able to handle it anyways! *winks at Niall*

Baby Alert -  A Diall OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now