First day of Him

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Hii, im 7 :D My name is skylar. I have to pay attention to class so i can't talk to you all right now ... hahaha, I'm just joking. I'm learning math right now. Using this 't' looking sign to put numbers together. But thats boring, no one cares about that. So instead of math, i found a new interest ... Sammy Alderedge ... ahhh. He so cute and smart. Plus he is the only boy taller than me in this class !!! Everytime i look back at him he is always looking at me ... i think 'What a Creep?!' but then i remember im doing the same thing so then im like ' Aww, he's so sweet.'

Anywho, its almost time for recess. I'm soooooo excited. My older sister, Cookie, (Weird huh?) Showed me this new game called bull. Its so funny. You act like a bull, like put the horns up and everything, then chase and tackle someone.

"Ok kids, time for recess. You excited??!!" Miss.Albright said.

"YEAHHH!!!" We shouted and ran outside.

I ran outside up to my 3 friends, Kayla, Tyra, and Vicki.

"Hey, guys. I have this new game!!" I smiled

"What is it?" Tyra asked smiling at me.

"Its called bull. You have to act like a bull and run after people." I giggled.

"I'm In!" Vicki blurted.

"That sounds too painful. Ty, lets just go on the swing." Kayla said walking away.

"But ... we can't play with just two people it wont be as fun."

"Sure it will, we'll make it fun." Vicki smiled, "You be the bull first." Running away.

"Ok you better start running!!" I laughed chasing her with my bull horns. Until someone stopped me.

"Hey, what are you going?" Richie, Sammy's best friend, chuckled. I couldn't even look at him cause Sammy was right behind him.

"Uh ... I-I ... nothing." I put my head down, too embarressed.

"Doesn't seem like nothing, seems like fun. Can we join?" Sammy asked.

"Of Course." Vicki said, coming out of no where. "One of us is the bull, and who ever they catch is the bull next. Or we can do teams." Vicki winked at Richie, I rolled my eyes.

"No teams, yet. Who's-" I started.

"I'm bull! You better run Cutie." Vicki said to Richie. Richie ran as fast as he could, while sammy and I stood back and laughed.

"I dont think she'll ever stop chasing him." I giggled.

"I don't think so either." He smiled.

"Isn't your kind suppose to have cooties or something?" I faced him, not as nervous.

"Isn't your 'Kind'?"

"NO!!" How could he even think that?!?!

"Than neither does our's." He smiled and tackled me.

"WHAT ARE YOU GOING?!!?" Some tingles felt up my sides and a bursted out laughing. "Sammy stop!"

"I'm the bull."

"You ... didn't ... even ... have ... bull horns !!" I yelped between my fits of laughter.

"Well who said we needed Horns?" He asked just sitting on me.

"I did. It shows your it. And vicki's it anyway so you can't be it! You a cheater!!" I tried to get him off me, but we just wrestled me instead. "Sammy !! Stop it!!" He started tickling me again!!

"Sammy get off your girlfriend!!" Richie yelled running by us.

"Girlfriend??" I giggled, and started blushing.

"No, Richies just being a jerk face." I pushed him off me.

"HA! Gotcha." I sat on his belly.

"Your good at this." Sammy chuckled.

"Not really, my sister showed me this game and i hurt my elbow trying to tackle her." I pouted.

"Are you ok ?" He asked not even looking fazed that i'm still sitting in him.

"Yeah I'm fine, im tough like that." I giggled, he smiled up at me.

"Skylar, get off of Sammy !!!" Miss.Albright yelled.

"Ok, ok fine !!" I got up.

"Name change." Sammy said while getting up.

"What ??" I looked at him weird.

"Name change, i said. And we are calling it Bull Horns, because i guess the horns are important. " he rolled his eyes.

"Makes sense." I shrugged. "Friends?" I put my hand out for a shake.

"Friends." He agreed and smiled.

~9 years Later~

I snap awake, sitting up. I'm breathing heavy and my heart's beating a mile a minute.

I haven't had that dream in so long ... yes i have dreams of childhood memories with that stupid boy. Of course I don't mean that, but I'm over him now. Well for 8 years now.

He moved to Parkland, PARKLAND !!! That's our school's rival. Hr probably didn't know that when he was 8 but still. Who cares anyway, that was like, what, 9-10 years ago.

I should probably get ready for school. I looked at my phone and saw that Kera, My best friend since 3rd grade, texted me.

'I'm picking you up today.'

Yes, i don't feel like driving today. I've had my license for almost a year now and I'm already bored with it.

'What time ??' I messaged back.

'30 minutes sound good ?' She asked.

'Perfect, I'll see you soon.' I smiled and did my morning routine. Shower, brush teeth, get dressed, eat, make-up. Maybe i should wake up first, but you know what i mean. Anywho, I'm in the living room waiting for Kera to text me ... beep beep


Great ... I'm ready to start this boring ass Friday. That's right i have absolutely nothing to do this Friday. Yay me, sarcasm intended.

I walked out and hopped into her car. "What are you doing this weekend ??" I asked as she pulled out of the drive way.

"Well i have a date with Cole. He is too cute." She blushed.

"Congrats, I'm forever alone guy over here." I sighed.

"Oh, Sky, I'm sorry we can hang on Saturday if you'd like."

"Thanks, we're doing that. But its just i use to be so busy when i was dating Cameron ... now i got nothing to do."

"Why did you break up then ??" She parked in the school parking lot.

"Jesse found out about us. I know, that Jesse is suppose to be our "Friend", but she just likes us for our guy friends. Plus, i just wasn't feeling it when we made out, it was just ... boring. He's a good kisser and all but not for me."

"Are you guys gonna be friends?" We started walking in.

"Cam and i ?? Yeah sure, well for me, but if he doesn't want to its fine. It'll hurt but we only dated for a month. Its not love out anything. Brother/Sister love maybe."

"Ok, ok. Come to my locker with me ??" She asked.

"Sure anything for you, your majesty." I chuckled when she rolled her eyes.

Ans started my day as this unforgettable Friday begins.


A/N: Hey, I'm starting this book, and i hope you all like it. Its a new type of book. Usually i do fan fictions. But this idea popped into my head, and i feel in love with it.

if anything confused you please ask me anything I'll be glad to answer. Comment/Vote/Fan !!!

My last book blew chunks and i hope this one will be better :D

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