remember when

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12 days of rexsoka, day 2 prompt: just like old times || memories

a/n: this is my first time writing rexsoka! i have many other wips, but this is the only one i could finish completing really quick (but messily afjoiewqgjoirejg). not much plot, just some character study but all in all, i hope you guys still enjoy!

"Who's going to win this one?"

Ahsoka circled around Rex, her teeth pulled back in a wide, exhilarated smile. Rex could feel the electricity coursing through his veins, the same kind of rush he had every time the Commander or General threw him during the Clone Wars.

"We haven't done this in a while, 'Soka. But I think you know who's gonna win."

"Yes, I do. It's me."

The clone smirked and shook his head as he kept himself ready on his feet. Every time he and Ahsoka sparred, they would always reach a stalemate until someone pulled a dirty trick that the other hadn't seen yet. He had a couple in mind that he was willing to use.

Only the sounds of heavy breathing and faint bird caws filled the air. Rex sharply watched every movement Ahsoka made. A tiny step to the left, a shift of the arm. He knew how she fought. Ahsoka would study the person, marking their weak points with her eyes alone. Then with a surge of power, she would strike lightning-fast, catching the other person's opponent off guard.

Well, she'd catch other opponents off guard. Not him though.

"Are you just gonna keep going around like that? Not ready to admit your defeat?" Rex taunted. Ahsoka just grinned, kicking up dirt in his direction.

Rex knew from the very start how the Jedi were like. Even if Ahsoka wasn't one of them anymore, she would still rely on the skills they taught her, including some techniques that he himself instructed. After all, she can't beat him if he was the one who taught her his tricks. However, he knew they spent time apart. She must've picked up something on her way back  ̶t̶o̶ ̶h̶i̶m̶,  and he was willing to see them.

Ahsoka leaped at him, and Rex immediately sidestepped and blocked the fist aimed at his chest. She sighed deeply, and he shrugged.

There was a quick moment before the two of them started into action. After a few kicks and punches, their spar delved into something different. They danced, the two of them complementing each other with every maneuver. The smile on Ahsoka's face turned into something genuine, her eyes lighting up.

Rex hadn't experienced this distinct feeling with another person. It seemed to always happen when it was just the two of them. He wasn't sure what it was, but it felt right. He liked it.

A snap. A smack. A flick of the wrist.

In the midst of the sweat and adrenaline, Rex dimly realized why they were both alive for so long. His reason was standing right in front of him.

He always watched her six and she would do the same. The mutual trust built into a bond that he never shared with anyone else. With that thought, something seemed to shift.

Rex didn't know when their friendship turned into something out of the defined line. When he received Ahsoka's message in the Seelos, dragging him out of the retirement of hunting joopa? When he first laid eyes on her after fifteen years? When she came back months after the Jedi bombing? He couldn't tell.

Rex didn't see it coming. He was so distracted trying to dissect his relationship with Ahsoka that he barely had time to think before a fist slammed into the side of his face, knocking the breath out of him. He felt his back hit the hard ground and he knew he definitely heard something crack.

A worried face appeared above him, blocking dust stirred up from their spar. A hand waved rapidly and he blinked dazedly.

"Kriff, are you okay? Rex? Rex, how many fingers am I holding up?"

Something was running down his nose. Rex thought about staying still and lying down without saying anything, but he knew Ahsoka would only worry more.

Rex managed to wheeze out several words. "Seven. I'm good. Just need to lay down." Rex held up a shaky thumbs up and he could see her shoulders relaxing slightly.

"I'm sorry, I thought you would see that coming—do you need a medic or something? You're bleeding and—"

Ahsoka kept muttering apologies as she checked the damage with warm hands, sitting back in dread and watching him. He was silent for a moment as he regained his senses. He then slowly sat up, wincing as a small twinge of pain made itself known from where he landed.

"I'm alright—I just wasn't ready for that. Holy kriff, you hit harder than I thought you would."

Ahsoka's smile made him quickly add how he didn't think she was still better than him. Ahsoka chuckled as she brushed his cheek where a bruise started to form. He slightly leaned into her hand, relishing in the cozy warmth that spread through his body as she healed him. Rex just noticed the sky had turned darker over

The both of them then made their way to a broken log with an unspoken agreement. Rex could see Ahsoka giving him a glance that was supposed to be casual, but he knew she was curious. He waited for her to say something. Several seconds passed and she did what he predicted.

"Something's on your mind. What is it?"

Rex finally turned around to her to find that she was studying him intently. He tilted his head, trying to phrase his thoughts into words. He didn't know what to say. He didn't even know what he was thinking.

"I just—I just remembered how things were like back then."

Ahsoka's eyes were understanding as Rex responded truthfully. She laid a hand on his shoulder. It urged him to continue.

"Like us sparring just now. I remember teaching you hand-to-hand combat and now look at you. You're beating my ass up." Ahsoka laughed, and he snickered along, accepting defeat.

"Just like old times, aye? We both grew up Rex," Ahsoka hummed under her breath. He could tell she was still mulling over what he had said. And suddenly he found what he wanted to say, as cheesy as it was.

"But we never grew apart, even after many years."

Ahsoka smiled fondly. She patted his back and leaned on his shoulder, the both of them watching the last few minutes of the sunset together.

Whatever was happening between the two of them was evolving into something deeper. And although Rex didn't know what it was quite yet, he was willing to put his thoughts to rest to enjoy this small quiet moment.

Suddenly, Ahsoka looked at him eagerly. He already knew what she was going to ask before she even said it.

"So...what's my prize for winning?"

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