Don't Overthink

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"So, you're finished with your homework yet babe?"
"No, it's due at midnight and it's already 10."
"Well try getting it done, since your parents aren't home, maybe I could go over for a little..."
The TV cuts to breaking news. A news anchor says, "Breaking News coming from CCPD, two criminals on the loose after a neighbor reports screaming and a gunshot coming from the residence next door, a man was found dead in his home."
"I don't know Evelyn, have you seen the news?" I say.
"Don't be paranoid Mike, that didn't happen in our city, the crime scene is like 45 min to your house."
"Ev, it's more like 30."
"What's the difference? Don't overthink" she says.
"Yeah, you're right," I say with a sigh, "well I'll let you know when I'm finished okay?"
"Okay, bye love you"
"Love you too."
I get up to use the bathroom but while getting up I hear a noise coming from my parents room. I ignore it and turn around back to the kitchen.
"Mike, you're overreacting. Nothing's there and you're okay." I tell myself.
I sit on my dining table to finish my homework. I hear a sound of a door creaking. My head moves slowly, my legs begin to wobble, my heart wants to burst. I go and check the door to the patio and see it open slowly, I close it and lock it. I sit back down and settle to start on my homework. I jump out of my seat when I hear my dog bark.
"Okay, what the hell." I take a knife with me outside and find nothing, just silence in the dark corners.
"C'mon boy." I say to my dog to come inside.
He went to his bed by the couch to sleep. My eyes keep looking towards the hallway, as if something is there but I just keep ignoring it. I found it very hard to concentrate so I moved to my room and closed the door. I then hear shuffling and moving from outside, a shadow proceeds to move across the tile floor from the other side of the door.
"You're overthinking, you're overthinking. It's nothing." I open the door and see my dog, getting a drink of his water.
I'm upset with myself at this point, my mind is playing games with me. After this I get some good work in, my dog barks again but it doesn't startle me, he always barks when the neighbor pulls in their driveway. I call Evelyn.
"Hey Ev, I'm almost done, if you want to start making your way over, I should be done when you're here."
"Okay, on my way," she then hangs up.
I keep working, I keep hearing noises outside. I keep telling myself it's nothing and probably the wind or my dog.
I see a car parking outside, but something doesn't feel right. My dog isn't barking, and he always barks at that.
"It's probably just Ev. No way those criminals would be here. You're overthinking, you're otherthinking, you are overthinking" I tell myself.
I see another shadow walk under my door. In my mind it makes sense, my dog didn't bark because he's inside and didn't hear it. Now confidently I exit my room and look for my dog. I call for him and get no response. I checked outside since maybe he needed to use the bathroom.
I stand frozen.
From the very bottom corner of the window of the door I see a puddle of blood flowing over the concrete floor.
I step away slowly, then jolt to the kitchen for the knife I left behind
It's not there.
I make a break for my front door until I'm stopped.
The knife is halfway into my stomach.
I look up and see a man in a mask.
Pushing the knife further he whispers in my ear, "you weren't overthinking."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2021 ⏰

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