The New Boy

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*beep beep beep beep*
*Braxton's POV*
The constant beeping drew my tierd eyes. My fingers slithered their way to the switch of the alarm clock. "Better not sleep in Braxton! Don't want to be late for your first day of school!", a familiar voice yelling from downstairs. "Okayy mom!" I yell back.

Pulling myself up from the bed, a groan released deep within my throat. Opening the closet, a stack of boxes stared back at me, some empty. Sighing, I close the door. I need to finish unpacking when I get back home from school. In the corner of my eye, jeans from two days ago were laying freely on the floor. Reaching for the pants, I smash them onto my nostrils. "Meh, these will do.", throwing the jeans on. After a shirt, deodorant, and brushing my teeth, then pulling on my jacket, I was finished. "Done mom!" I yell, waddling down the stairs. "About time." mom chuckles, throwing her purse around her shoulder. Grabbing my backpack, I groaned knowing that it would soon become a wreaking ball.

The drive to this new school was quiet. Staring outside, my eyes focused on my reflection. Why did we have to move. Why did they have to divorce. Why do I need to be the new boy. Millions of questions were racing at once, why this, why that. I guess this is how life is, a big bowl of- "Braxton?" Snapping me out of my thoughts, I stare at mom mouth half open. "W-what?" I ask. Embarrassed, I quickly try to think of what mom could of asked me. "I said, I already registered you in, and be careful." Mom says, staring at me, furrowing her eyebrows." you, bye." I reply, rushing the last few words out. Before mom could ask me about what just happened, I quickly opened the car door and headed inside the school.

Whoa, this is a big school. "You must be Braxton!" a lady says, holding her hand out. Reaching my hand out of my pocket, I wipe my already sweat palms onto the sides of my jeans, then shaking her hand. Her poor hand. She pulls away, making it the quickest handshake ever. She then wipes her hand onto her blouse, making a disgusted face, she quickly corrected it with a fake smile. "I am Mrs. Blake, your principal." "I'm brax-" I start, but quickly get inturupted. "I know who you are boy." She says. Wow, I feel bad for her husband. Smirking at myself, I follow her to the office.

"I need you to show Brian to his classes." She starts, handing a blond boy the paper. She already forgot my name, impressive little hobbit. "And make sure he gets there." She finishes, then looking at me, eyes filled with hatred. The boy turns to me, and motions with his finger to follow him down a hallway. "So Brian, where are you from?" He asks, smiling. "It's Braxton, and I am from California." I reply, looking forward. "Oh sorry,'re a long ways from home, California to Montana. Why did you move?" He asks, his voice filled with curiosity. "Uh, my, uh, my parents divoriced." I say, now slightly looking down. "Oh, I'm sorry for's really none-" he apologizes. "It's okay, it's fine." I tell him.

"I'm Adam Winchester." He greats. "Hi adam." I say, looking at him. "Do you have any brothers or sisters?" Adam asks, turning into a new hallway. "Yea, I have a older brother, his name is Misha." I say, smiling. "Misha?" Adam asks, ckuckling. "Shut up", I say, punching adam playfully in the arm. "So do you have any bothers and sisters?" I laugh. "Yea uh, I have two, their names are Sam and Dean." Adam says, then stops at a door. "This is your first hour, Algebra 1B." "Oh yay." I joke sarcastically. Adam let's out a laugh, then walks me to the rest of my classes. "These are your classes." Adam sighs. "Do we have any together?" I ask, hoping I did not sound more desperate, then I think I did. "Yes, actually three." He laughs, looking over my schedule. "Cool" I smirk. "See you at lunch then? I can introduce you to my friends?", Adam asks. "Yea, I'll see you then." I say, then turning to head to my first class. I made a friend on my first day, that's a bonus. Can't wait to meet his friends later today.

Math class, first hour, went by like a NASCAR race. In second hour, science, I walked in and saw Adam sitting in the back, talking with a girl and boy. A smile was immediately brought to my face. This class is going to be fun. Third hour, maybe the slowest because I don't know anybody else in here. Soon, In advisory was about, then a ringing bell filled my ears. I followed students until I was lead into a lunch room. Looking for Adam did not take long. I saw a body jumping in the corner of my eye, I turned to find Adam jumping like a maniac to get my attention. "Might as well say 'Notice me Senpai'" I say, making my voice high. Adam laughs. "Want soup?" A girl asks me. "Um, sure!" I say, walking in the soup line with Adam and the girl. "Braxton, this is Macy Parker, and Kevin Tran!" He says, introducing the same people from second hour.

"Hi!" Kevin says, waving his hand. "Heyo!" Macy yells, jumping. "Hi!",I say to the both of them. Adam chuckles. "Turkey please." He asks the lunch lady. "Um, ham. Thanks" I say, taking my broccoli cheese soup and sandwich. "So how's life?" I start asking Adam. "It's good! How about you?" "It's pretty good-" "WATCH OUT! " Adam yells, looking at whatever is in front of me. I looked ahead of me and all I saw was a guy and a football. Next thing you know it, my face and shirt are covered in broccoli cheese soup. "I'm so sorry!" A guy starts. I curse under my breath as I wipe the cheese from my eyelids. "Dude, I didn't see you there!" Once the cheese was gone, I could finally see who knocked me down. "It's ok.." I groan. The boy has blond curly hair who was also splattered in cheese. He had eyes as brown as if they were small potatoes. He almost looked like Adam, but my friend has short, straight blond hair. This guy is quite attractive. Stop staring at him. "I'm Chris" he says helping me up. "Braxton." I say staring into his eyes.

Gosh Braxton, can you make it more obvious that you like him? Quickly, I look away from his eyes and onto the floor. A weird burning sensation fills my cheeks. Am I blushing?! I can't be, I NEVER blush. E.V.E.R "let me help you up." He asks, reaching hid hand out. My hand had a mind of its own and reached out to his. Once our hands touched, a quick agonizing sensation filled my hand. "Ahh!" I scream, as both of us pull back our hand, causing me to meet the ground once again. "What the hell?" I wince, observing my shaking red hand. Looking up at Chris, his face had as much shock as mine did.

5th hour, I met Adam again. "So, are you ok?" Adam asks. "Um, yea, I think so." I reply, giving my best fake smile. Adam begins to talk about Doctor Who with a boy while I, who has never seen the TV show, tune out into my own world. Suddenly, a small tingle begins at the base of my hand, to the tip of my fingers. I pull my hand up to my face, and can feel my heart race, my eyes widening with shock. What the heck?! The door to the classroom opens and three students walk in. "Student Council is here, everyone give them your attention!" The teacher yells. One of the students begin to speak. "I'm Chris," I know exactly who you are ",and today we want you guys to give us some suggestions for the spring dance!" He says, looking around at the class then locking eyes with me, his smile immediately fades. I look down onto my desk, avoiding his gaze. My hand begins to tingle again, but this time it was stronger. Groaning, I look at my left hand and find a symbol starting from the base of my hand, ending below the crease of my middle finger. What the actual heck! A feeling came upon me, I was being watched. I look up to find Chris staring back at me, putting his right hand into his back pocket.

"Anymore suggestions?" One of the Council members ask. "Yea! Can we have a mosh pit?!" Adam asks. Everybody laughs, everyone but Chris and I. "No, we don't want anyone to get hurt now do we?" Chris says, breaking eye contact with me. The three of them leave, as I sit dumbfounded.

"Brax?" Adam asks, waving a hand in front of my face. "Y-yea?" I stutter. "You okay?" He asks, tilting his head. "Yes." I assure him, "I am going to he fine." "So what are you going to do after school?" Adam asks. I real smile came upon my face. "Unpack my bags at home, you?" "Play video games with Macy.", He says "I.. I want to ask her to go to the dance with me actually." Adam whispers, blushing. "She's your senpai??!" I yell, forgetting we're both surrounded by other classmates. Adam quickly brings his hand to my mouth, shutting me up. "She's your senpai?" I whisper, grinning ear to ear. "Yes," Adam says, blushing one more. "I'm going to ask her latter on." "Awesome." I say, smiling. The sound of the school bell fills my ears. "Well, I hope to see you soon!" Adam tells me, walking out the door. I grin to myself. I look at my hand once again. It's gone?! How! It was just here? My eyes must've played a trick on me.

Once I got to sixth hour, all I can think of is the mark. The class hour went by fast. The bell to end school rang, and I headed to the front of school to wait for mom. My left hand began to tingle again, it became stronger until a hand from behind tapped my shoulder. It was Chris. I turned around to see Chris! How did I know it was him!? "Hey, I came to ask you if you were okay?" Chris starts. "I-im ok." I nervously stutter. "May I see your hand?" He asks, glaring at my hand. "Why?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows. "Curious.." he states, ever so calmly. I lift up my hand to see the symbol once again. Chris's eyes widen a bit. "I have to girlfriend must be waiting for me." he says, still looking at my hand. "Well, Um bye then. ." I reply, turning on my heel, walking away from him. My vision begins to fog up. He has a girlfriend? With a girlfriend comes a straight relationship. Of course I don't have a chance with him. A tear begins to fall from my eye, I quickly wipe it away and head to mom's car. "Hello sweety!" Mom yells from the car window.

"Hi." I say, voice sounding dead. "You ok, son?" Mom questions, turning to me. "Just hungry." I lie.

Why did my hand tingle every time Chris was around? Why?

I guess I'll never know.

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