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I woke up from my sleep, noticing Chase wasn't in bed. I checked my phone, because there's time he would tell me if he had to leave the house before me. There was no message, so I checked my email for work. Archer had emailed me to come by the theatre. This was his one way of staying professional.

I prepared my bag and glid my socks against the smooth floor. Even though it is bad for me, and I can easily fall like I did the first night, he and I slept in the house as a married couple. I grew to enjoy the feeling of it.

When I stepped out of the house, the security guy from Alexander's house was standing by the door. Confused with his appearance in front of me, I tilted my head. "Dan?" I questioned.

"Hi. Are you ready to go?"

"Go where?"

"Your husband says you might need a ride this morning. Are you ready?"

"Ok, but why are you here?" I asked. it doesn't feel right, and I am not sure if I'm supposed to get in the car with him.

"Since the recent incidents and news coming out. I stopped working for Alexander. I just wanted to believe he changed. It seems he's still in this dirty business."

"You knew my father before- I mean Alexander." I don't know why I just said that.

"I was only a teenager then, but yeah. Anyways, let's go."

I didn't want to leave, so I stopped him and told him I would like to call Chase first and confirm.

"You think I'm going to kidnap you?" He asks me.

"You can never be too sure." I hold up my index at him, signaling to wait.

As soon as I got the confirmation, I got in the small, black Maserati Quattroporte. I have seen these cars many times before. I step in the back of the car and glance around. "Nice ride," I tell him.

He fixes himself and starts to drive. "Thanks, I've been saving up for a long time."

Intrigued, I had to ask him a certain question because I have a strong feeling, I know him from somewhere.

"What's Dan short for?" I cross my legs and stare into the review mirror. He looks up at it, and his green eyes were lighter than before. I couldn't even notice them then.

"Daniel." He grins. Obviously he's not Violets Daniel, which is a relief. I really wanted that chick our our lives.

"Have we met before?" I ask.

He nods his head. "You were young. You might not remember."

"Try me. I might surprise you." I grin. These days I'm starting to remember a lot of things. The tips Dr. Gonzales have given me, seems to be coming effective.

"It was in Pennsylvania. I was there with your uncle at a hotel. For a meeting."

"Oh, a hotel. Can you explain? My memory is a little blurred from then." I don't remember that night at all. All I remember is my uncle taking me there. I remember him telling me, he can't wait to get rid of me and laughing in my face.

"It was just a meetup. When I was aware of what he wanted me to do, I told him I don't want to do business with him. It was shit, really. Then I met your father." We glance at each other through the mirror.

Not wanting to hear anymore, I asked him how old he is. "You don't look thirty," I tell him, and he laughs.

"How old do I look?"

"Maybe twenty."

He grins at me through the mirror. "Good to know I still got it."

Dan was recently in Afghanistan, where he witnessed and done a lot of un-forgetful things. He had a girlfriend when he first went into the army field. She got pregnant and then lost it when she thought he was dead. Dan took the loss and came back home. Meanwhile, his girlfriend, whom he won't name, is dealing with the loss by cheating and going out with her group of her friends. Then that's when he ran into Alex and Ritchie again.

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now