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All this damn work I have been doing to lock up Ritchie and Alex. It was all taken from me in a split second when he sent his crew to raid my house and take my wife from me, harming her. Now I am coming back twice as hard as I was about to before.

My last two lawyers were all connected to Alex somehow. I did not realize until I hired Daniel, the new bodyguard I had hired. Looking at his resume was not as important to me. What was important is why he stopped working with Alex. I did not want to take the chances of him wanting to work with me to get closer to Amelia or steal the information I have on them.

I made him sign a contract with my new lawyer to inform him of the trouble he can get into helping Alex and Ritchie. He was very understanding about the whole process and went on explaining the horrible work Ritchie had him do. I felt bad for the guy and poured him up a drink.

I didn't get myself one because I have grew self-control over it.

The only sad thing about this is I cannot tell Amelia anything that my lawyer and I discuss. The one thing I need to tell her is she is going to have to give a statement for the sexual assault abduction. She is the main one that can help this whole case.

I walk into the office of my lawyers' firm and close the door behind me. "Chase." Vanessa comes from her desk and hugs me. "You're early." She tells me.

I hold up a bag of beagles from the café like promised. "I have to head out to the club tonight, so I thought I come in earlier." Vanessa is about twenty-nine, and she has been doing this for quite some time under her father.

She has blonde straight hair and a fair body. She is short, but her heels make her seem taller. She has brown eyes and a simple smile. She is honestly a sweetheart, and she is by far the most caring lawyer I have worked with.

"Let's get started then."

We take a seat, and I pull out everything that I needed. "How's Amelia?" She asks while leaning over the desk in her seat.

I look up from the desk, and her breast was there in my face. I looked away at an instance and stared at her.

"She's good. She is starting to work on her novel again."

"Oh, that's amazing. That is the novel that is based on...Ellie, right?" I almost forgotten that I told her about it. If only Amelia knows how much brag about her to other people.

"Yeah, it's amazing. She's a great writer." I say, thinking about how great she is, good enough to get offered to visit Los Angeles. I push it to the back of my head, and Vanessa moves from the desk.

"How's the boyfriend?" I ask her. The last time I spoke to her, she was having issues with him.

"Good, and we are engaged now." She started to pull up added information about Alex and Ritchie's bank statements back in Pennsylvania from a box.

"No ring?"

"It was a sudden proposal." She grins. "Now tell me about this Daniel guy. He has the same name as my ex." Her eyes roll. "The name is annoyingly common."

"He was just a teen when he first met Ritchie. It was at a hotel. Daniel was picking up a duffel bag that claimed to have his payout." Knowing the next part, I sigh and place my hands over my face. "He was going to give It to Daniel if he did him a favor and picked up Amelia, as in take her, sell her. Do whatever it was he pleased."

The things I have found out about Ritchie, makes my demons want to come out and handle this situation myself. He is a heartless monster who deserves to rot in hell. I never thought dating and marrying Amelia would get to the point of me trying to get her father and uncle in prison. But for her, I would do anything.

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now