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We've happened to be driving for nearly an hour now. Daniel is in charge of getting us to our destination. Celeste and Trevor are riding with Roger and Ellie. They are following us on our road trip. For the hour, Chase has been singing to me every song that had come on the radio. He eventually told Daniel to change it to something else, then 'A Thousand Miles' had randomly come on. of course, he was singing it.

The night of him and me walking together had come to mind. I couldn't stop beaming about it.

We are taking a trip to Pennsylvania. I thought it would be cool to have them see what my hometown looked like and spend time with Claudia. Plus, we can all take a break from school. When I told Claudia, she got excited. She had already called about five times, asking questions about the rest of the people me and Ellie are bringing. Questions like; what kind of food do they like, their allergies, etc., etc.

At hour two, Daniel and I started talking about how it is to live in Pennsylvania. My most favorite part about the state is the beautiful winter weather. Well, there used to be beautiful winter weather. Now it's usually mucky, wet, and cold.

I have learned so much about Daniel in the past week. He is much like Chase in some ways, but he isn't afraid to hide his truths about where he came from and his childhood. He didn't have it easy; his mother was murdered in front of him during a home invasion, they took everything in their home, including his mother. It's tragic, that is the worst that can happen, and it isn't pleasing.

I can only imagine how scared he was.

"Ok, how about this one." I hold up the phone to my face reading a blog about interesting questions. "Do you think you're a pessimist, optimist, or realist kind of person? Dan, you first."

"I am most certainly a realist." Said, Dan.

"What makes you think that?" Chase asked. We both look at him because of the way he said it. "I didn't mean it rudely. I'm a realist as well, at least I think I am. I am just curious."

"I don't like to be delirious about things. I know how it is around here. You get heartbroken, and you move on from it. You lose your life, and you make a new one." He shrugs.

"Have you tried dating again?" I ask him out of curiosity.

"I have. I have yet to find someone that is looking for the same thing I am looking for. Nowadays, it's all about sex and money."

"You have a point." Chase and I had said it at the same time.

"I'd like to believe I am an optimist, but I know deep down I'm a pessimist. It's complicated." I speak. I place my phone down and look out the window.

We cross the bridge that overlooked the water and rocks. I turn myself to look behind us and still see Roger following In a separate car. There were times we ended up racing each other. I was more into it and Chase was being a boss bitch telling him there's precious cargo in the car.

I couldn't be mad about it, he only wanted to make sure we end up alive at the end of this trip.

"Welcome home, Milly!" Claudia rushes out of the beige house that has black window outlined around it. Her garden seems more visible now than it did the last time I visited.

She surprisingly looked at Chase and pulled him in for a hug. His face was in shock when I looked at him. I had to laugh and appreciate the moment because it is a vast improvement.

The others had pulled up and did their greetings. I grab my small duffel bag from the car, and Chase took it from me. When I walked into the house, I noticed nothing had changed besides the lightbulbs being brighter than they usually are. I showed them around then to the room they will be staying in. Our house isn't as big as Mary's and Rachels's, but it is still a decent size with a great interior.

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now