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The BIG SAD sotry of the BIG SAD PROBLEM that happuned at HugwOrtS

Twas a dark and stormy night and the children where all sleping in their bedz in the HugWorTs castele of witchcraft and wizuardy where children becum wizuards and witchcrafts and then one big big BIG sad day a booly man came in and went KEDAVRA AVADA and all the wizuards and witchcrafts DIED and then the janitur cam and clened the bodies up and they all livedd hapully ever aftr the end yay.

Paragruph too yay. The booly man went to zazkabban and wuz sad becos he was not nice and booly and then the eater deaths came and broke him out and he hlepd mort vold take over the wizuarding wurld and mort vold was booly man to with booly man and they booloyed the worled and the mort vold also wuntted the eldur wund which was a poowerfull wand that mad peple go dead with KEDAVARA AVADA and everyun was vury vury sud :( the und of chuper too.

Paragrpha three. The booly man and mort vold went to HugWorts of witchcraft and wizuardy and then the leetle whitchcrafts and wizuards revolvted and shot mort vold and booly man with .50 cal machin goons. The end of charptur three.

Paragaprpah four. Then a boi named Perry Hooter came to HugWorts and thun he becum wizuard and slyayed a thiccccc sepreprnt named bob the sperpepnennt and a booly boi called tum ridle comunded the speprpepnt. Perry was cheered on by his frnendns named Won Reasley and Germoine Hranger ad they becom frends forever. End of chapaptaer foor.

Paprpaphpphp foove. The perry, won, and germoine wuz frends and then thuy had uncle called Birius and Birius was at zazkabban and zazkabban was a plac for booly peple and then birius did impurnt birius stuff and yay :D. The end of chpaptper foove.

Paprpapph six wowie yay :D. Perry won and the other person where sud becos the mort vold and booly man cam bak to kedavra avada more peple. Perry and won and the other person did not look this so thay decooded to stup mort vold and booly man. And also there wuz this dude called lemus rupin but he dunesnt mattor. So the perry won and other persun stupped booly man and mort vold bye saying STOOP BOOLYING THE PEPLE. And they all looved in peec and luv hapooly eever aftur yay :D and zazkabban was bluwn uup by the eater deaths but the eater deaths dood in the exploosion and yey.

Paprpaphpaphgpa seven oo la la. Perry decooded to bluw the stoopid moogles up with boom stuff and so they laid the boom stuff and BOOOOM went the moogles yay!! :D. The moogles said STOP BOOLYING US NUBS and the wuizards wure all sud becos they where not NUBS so they smocked the nubby moogles arownd and wunt to anrtantcitica to cri bcos they woere so sud becos the moogles cooled them nubs.

Paprpapphp ate wowza :OO. There ulso woz thees guy cooled dumbemelodoroeedore and he woz the headmistress of HugwOrts and he woz very rud to everyone becos he hud frend cooled grienndwal and he was booly man like booly man amd mort vold and he joomped off toower and purry waz sud.

Paprpapphpaphpapgppgpapgp noon. So anywuzys the wizuards came back from antantnansntciraca and they decooded to bluw more moogles oop becos moogles are dum and stoopid >:o. Then chiiiiiiill boi colled Epans and Epans bought nukes to nuke the moogles. So Epans decooded to nuke the moogles himself becos he was an independent wooman so he went and boolyed moogles and went BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM and the moogles flyed everywhere!!!1!!!! A few moogles landed on a alieoon spaceshoop and becom frends with alieoons and the alieoons hlepd the moogles KEEL all the wizuards!!!11!!! The epik fight will commencnence soon >:o!!

Paprpaphpaphpapgphpphpa teen yey!! :D. So anyoowys the alieoons where frends with the moogles and they decided to booly the wizuards back >:o!!! So the wizuards got reedy using their pro foortnite skills and bilt lunch pads and wools just in caase of attacc!! Then the moogles and alieoons landed and they went PEW PEW AND ZAP ZAP AND BOOOOM BOOOOM. Then there moms told them it was tim to com in for dinner so they stooped fighting and eight diner.

Paprpaphpapgprpaph eeleeveen. Epans got arreesteed for not paayiiiing choold suppoort and he alsu commeeted arsun and did noot pay his tooxes!! Epans wuz vury bud so his moom spankeded him!!11! Epans criid so hurd and wuz so sud he decooded to EAT his moom so he eight his moom!!! Then mort vold EIGHT epans back so thuy wure even noow.

Paprpaphpraphpapgppraph tweeeeeelve. Mort vold wos veeeeery faat after eighting epans. Mort vold said to himseelf "i need to b very stroooooooooooooooooong again1! I am strungest mun in wurld!!!" So mort vold weent to the geem and trained and becom very very strong and coold run aroond the world in 5 seconds!!!

Paraphpaphppgphphpraphpgrpaphp twenty one!1!! Mort vold becum fit and handum like sqoodwurd and everyun feered hum. The perry wuz mud becos mort vold pooped in heez toileet and deednt even floosh. Perry bluw oop mort vold and mort vold is deed foreeveer!!1!!!!!

Paraphgrpaphpaprphpraphp twunty too11!!1!!!!!!!!!1! Perry wuz poor and he cri hard :(. He decooded to mak a yootoobe chanel and becum rich and famus. Heez chanel wuz caled DE BOI DAT LEEVED!!1!!11! Heez forst veedeoo was METING CHUCKY CHEEEZE AT 3 AM GON RONG NOT CLEECKBAOIT!!1!!!! Eet got 1 baziilioon veews!!1!111!1 he got wun meelion soobscribers and woz veery reech1!1!!1111!!!!!!

THE UND1111!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2021 ⏰

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