A Pirate and a Siren of The Sea

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Puffy was a pirate, Niki was a siren of the sea. They were never even supposed to meet. Puffy was told the ocean that they traveled upon, while Niki was a siren that was told from birth horrific stories of the pirates above. But they met, nonetheless.

It was by accident, of course, but Niki just wanted to know more about the outside world. She swam through the corrals and the hordes of fishes that gathered to bask in the lights that shone through the sea, casting a pattern of light that looked like bubbles in the sky. Edible seaweed that flowed like Niki's pink hair under the water, and black creatures that Niki was always too scared to go near. Though all of that was lovely, and she could not live without it, Niki wanted more, to see how the sky looked above the water, and how the salty ocean breeze would feel on her face.

It would mean the world to her if she could see the outside world.

But she was afraid. Afraid of the pirates that were supposed to be able to block out the siren's song that was taught to her before she left home to start a new life, by herself. Afraid that the humans would capture her and take her away in a net, just to slaughter and send her off to an exhibit that showcased the wonders of the sea. Niki could not fathom even seeing these humans that her mother told her about, with these things called... legs? Right, legs.

The concept of the humans that boarded ships to travel out at sea, looking for gold, treasure, or riches both terrified Niki, but also intrigued her. She knew that she would not survive forever in the open air, but just one breath of fresh open air would be nice.

After all, what's the worse that can happen?

Puffy sat on the dock of the boat that was tied to the dock of the islands, eating a late dinner, the sun setting on the horizon. "Good work today." Her captain spoke softly, patting her shoulders. Eret was a tall man, towering over most of his crew. He terrified most people, but not Puffy. Puffy was taken in by the captain as a child, and when Eret explained his plans to journey into the oceans, Puffy went with him without hesitation.

"Thank you." Puffy smiled.

"There could be some sirens around, so be careful about that." Eret warned, looking out to the sea.

"You say that every time we stop anywhere." Puffy giggled softly.

"Well, they are everywhere." Eret sighed, "But the locals say that they're real feisty around here, one of them comes close to the surface each night, but never breaks the surface."

Puffy nodded, "That's interesting." She commented. It wasn't common that they would see sirens, they usually stayed underwater, but when they did see them, they would be sat upon a rock, and Eret would tell everyone to plug their ears with spare cotton. It was a usual routine that Puffy got used to quickly, cotton balls being an essential item in her pack.

"Anyways, be careful, dear." he fiddled with the blunderbuss on his belt nervously.

"Thanks for the warning." Puffy smiled as she watched her father figure walk away. She soon finished the meal, and fed whatever scraps that were left to the three on-board cats, Bubble, Peach and Blue, and the single dog (that seems to always get bullied), Button. She watched the cats take over quickly, leaving Button hungry. With a laugh, she scraped the last of the scraps to the dog, before placing the plate into the kitchen area and climbing her way to the crow's nest, where she would be for the rest of the night... probably.

Niki decided tonight would be the day. Her voice was smooth and not in any pain, her scales shined in the moonlight that wasn't covered by any clouds, and no signs of boats were coming. She gathered a small knife in case her voice fails, or if the damned pirates use their way of canceling the song out. Niki swam her way towards the surface, ready to take her first breath of the salty sea air. She broke the surface and took a deep breath.

The moon shined brightly across the sea, and over a small island nearby. The receding tide leaving the sand bare. Niki's eyes scanned across the line between island and sea again, to see a boat. She swam closer, curiosity over all her morals. Climbing onto a rock, her usually flowy pink hair sat heavy on her head, the feeling of gravity pulling her onto the stone. She paused to look around. No one was seen around, just the salty breeze, the stars and the moon.

Puffy, who had noticed the siren even before she broke the surface, watched quietly from the crow's nest before she also became curious. The rock the pink haired siren sat upon was close enough to the boat, where Puffy could simply lean slightly over the edge to speak to the girl below. So, she did. Puffy climbed down the pole to the crow's nest, and stuffed cotton in her ears, before sitting in the boat, practically next to Niki. The boat wasn't tall, or mighty, it was just a normal sailor's boat that had a few canons on board. That's all. So it didn't take Niki long to find the pirate walking towards her.

Niki wasn't going to turn away from a fight, with her blade and voice, but of course, she was still terrified. She watched as the pirate got closer and closer, looking over every detail of the other. White puffy hair that she thought would feel soft on her skin, heterochromatic eyes that went from teal to brown, a classic pirate coat that covered her small figure. Niki backed up as the white haired woman approached, opening her mouth to try and drown her.

"I wouldn't even try, love." Puffy taunted, folding her arms over the railings of the boat.

"What do you pirates have that allows you to... be immune to our songs?" Niki asked, genuine curiosity seeping into her voice.

"Aw," Puffy cooed, "getting curious, are we?"

"Well, yes. I've heard stories about how ancestors of mine got captured by evil kinds like you, and- well, they died. Obviously."

"I'm..." Puffy paused, "My condolences."

"They were dead hundreds of years ago, for Posiden's sake." Niki rolled her eyes, "I didn't even know them."

"Still, I'm sorry that my ancestors were terrible." Puffy stared down at the pink haired girl who now sat more comfortably on the rock, now sure that the woman in front of her wasn't bad.

"Well, you're not terrible, and that's all that really matters, now is it?" Niki smiled. "Now where are my manners, my name is Nikita- Niki is fine."

Puffy smiled, "Niki is a beautiful name, well, my name is Caroline, but my captain calls me Puffy." The white haired girl paused, "Because of my hair."

"That is... sweet." Niki smiled, reaching a hand out. "Nice to meet you."

Puffy took the hand, "Nice to meet you too."

Niki's smile grew wider, before it disappeared at the noise of a door opening. "It was a pleasure meeting a human." She slid back into the water, the scales on her tail illuminating colours of a butterfly.

"It was a pleasure meeting a siren." Puffy responded back.

Yet that was the first time Puffy spoke to a siren, and it was also the last as she heard the boom of a gun fire beside her, the last thing she remember positively of a siren fading away like the moon in the distance. With the sun being the promise of never being in touch with a siren again, since she knows that all she can do to them is harm. 

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