Part 1: First Day

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"Hogi went back to the planets' book! This time, it is not about meeting planets; it's all about adventure and mysteries to be solved. It also had crime-fighting scenes!"

Hogi went back to Outer Space. Then, he meets Doshi. Doshi is one of Hogi's friends since the day they play together and help everyone. "Hi Doshi!" said Hogi to his dog friend. "Howdy, Hogi!" replied Doshi. "Speaking of greetings, where are the planets?" said Hogi. "They're on their first day at school!" said Doshi. "But they're old, you see..." said Hogi. Doshi then chuckles. "You see since schools don't exist in space, they didn't learn anything! The main method they learn is just to watch on my phone!" said Doshi, then she shows her cellphone to Hogi. "Today, I can't use my phone! It just had a trojan on it!" sighed Doshi. "It's okay!" said Hogi, patting Doshi's back, "Since they started to go to school, they don't use your broken phone anymore!". Doshi then cheered and broke her cellphone. "Oops..." said Doshi, looking at her phone who is now broken to pieces, "I've just done it too soon,". Then, she packed her satchel and walked. Hogi followed her too. 

They went to the planets, staring at a giant building with the words 'Exoplanet Exomentary School' on it. "So, this is your first day at school?" said Hogi. "Chill out, Hogi!" said Dylan the Mercury, patting Hogi's back, "It's the first school in outer space!". As they went inside, there were many exoplanets rushing at the insides. At their first class, a physics teacher came in. She is blue with white clouds swirling around her. She wore green glasses and hold a physics book. "Good morning, planets!" greeted the physics teacher, "Since it was your first day at school, today, we're going to learn about...". Then, she stopped. She scratched her chin and began to mumble. "Uhh... Puh, erm..." mumbled the teacher. The planets, along with Hogi and Doshi, began to feel bland. "Umm... Puh-hy-sixs?" said the teacher. "Excuse me," said Dot the Earth, raising her hand, "It's F-I-see-ix!". "Oh yeah!" said the teacher, "Today we'll learn about physics!".

During the physics class, the teacher put a ball tied with a rope in front of her. "So," said the teacher, "We'll learn about the... Umm... Ball-on-a-string physics!". "It'll going to be so much fun!" whispered Dylan to Hogi. They both smile. The teacher pushes the ball. The ball then goes back and hits the teacher in the face. The students laugh at the ridiculous sight. "Puh-hy-sixs!" mocked Dylan while he laughs.

Next was P.E. The gym teacher was teaching the others about basketball. "So, in order to play, you need to use your hands and throw it in the hoop to win!" said the gym teacher as he threw the ball at the hoop. Then, instead of passing the hoop, the ball hit it and punched a hole through the wall. "Oops..." said the gym teacher, "I need to fix this before the school inspectors will know!". Everypne laughed. "P.E., my new favorite subject!" said Dylan as he giggled.

Last one is science. The science teacher show up with a white lab coat. "Today we will learn about chemicals!" she said. She held up many different fluids on each test tube. "This is coppernicium!" said the science teacher. All of the planets were bored. "I wish it will be fun!" said Dylan. Then, when she mixed coppernicium with an unknown chemical, a vortex appeared in front of her. Then, a robotic, grey, metal planet-noids came out of the vortex. The navy vortex collapse after they went out. 

"Greetings, planets!" said the robot planet-noid leader, "We're the termaplanets from the future!". "The future?" questioned Hogi, "I don't know books had their own predicted future-" but before Hogi finishes, the termaplanet leader shushed him. The two termaplanets carry the science teacher away and left the science class. The termaplanet leader then began to teach them science, but this time, it was more boring as if they were at university. Then, at lunch break. The termaplanets were drinking coffee. The planets slouched on the desk. Then, a termaplanet show up. "Lnchtime, everybody!" she said. She activate her scoop at her abdomen and began launching cake at everybody. The students were annoyed. Then, Hogi scooped a cake from his head and took a bite at it. Then, Hogi sputters. "What is this!" he said as he squints at the bitter cake. "All-vitamin keto brick cake!" said the termaplanets. "This is terrible!" said Hogi, putting both of his hands to his head, "It's more worse with the termaplanets. I wish the good old exoplanets will ever come back. "Dpn't worry, pal!" said Doshi, patting Hogi's back, "Everything will come back to normal!".

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2021 ⏰

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