「 𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚠𝚎𝚕𝚕. 」

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"...It has to be...ye-..." Y/n heard bits and pieces of a conversation.

Her head pounded as she tried to move her body.

"She's awake!" A female voice spoke.

Y/n woke up to a blinding light right above her face.

"Where am I?" She attempted to lift her hand but they were held in place.

She looked down, confused as to why she couldn't move and then realised, her arms and legs were cuffed to the bed.

"Don't worry, Y/n. After you're interrogated you'll be free." The pink-looking blob said, her eyes still not being able to adjust.

"I can't see anything."

"Switch off the light please!" A black blob moved to her left as the light in front of her face switched off, "Can you see now?"

She blinked a couple of times, the pink and black blob becoming clearer.

"Sakura...Sasuke," Y/n said.

"We're going to interrogate you now. There are blocks in your mind that you have to take down." Sasuke spoke to her with no emotion, "Ibiki, Ino, come in."

The door creaked open to an unfamiliar face, a tall man who had two scars across his face.

"Ah, Uzumaki Y/n. How are you doing?" Ibiki asked as he got comfortable on the chair in front of her.

"How long has it been?"

"It's been a week." He replied before pausing, letting Ino take over.

"Now, relax Y/n. I'm going to enter your mind." Ino said as she put her hand on Y/n's head, "You're going to one-by-one remove the blocks." She explained.

"Y/n, let's get started," Her voice echoed in the black void.

Y/n concentrated on a specific wall as it unlocked, "Good, keep that up."

Half an hour later they were finally done.

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"She was manipulated, just like Boruto said." Ino removed her hand from Y/n's head.

She could feel Sasuke stare into her soul just by looking at her.

"Okay then. She's free to go." He said as he turned around.

"Wait, Sasuke..." She heard Sakura call out to him.

They whispered to each other but she couldn't make out the conversation.

Sasuke just hummed in reply before closing the door behind him, Sakura sighing.

"Karin and Suigetsu were here. They left a couple of days ago as they had work."

"I see. May I leave?" Y/n asked as someone unlocked the cuffs.

"You may."

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"Ino," Sasuke called her.

"Sasuke?" She turned around, "Do you need something?"

"What all did you see in her memories." He asked, getting straight to the point.

Ino looked around before continuing, "It might be better if I show."

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"Who are you?" She asked.

"It seems you carry some S̷̢̼̝͔̪̒h̷̨͉̖͚͔̲̝̱̣̀͌̂̏̈͘a̴͕̅r̵̡̳̖̠̊̇̓̆̐͆̅̀̕ͅi̷̤̔͜ń̴̢̼̻́̐͒̑̒g̴̨̼̠͙̭̦͑͝ǻ̸̯͔̒̄̔͗̆̓n̶̩̄̉̀̈́̄͘̕b̴̮͕͇͇͉̈̃̀́̒̎l̵͉͐͝ͅo̵̳̘̖̅̋̀̇͂͒ͅō̶̡̠̩̭̯̙̔̆̓̈́̍̌̀d̵̛̺͖̝̠̳̬̼̜̳̠̾̒̅̄̈́̈̔̊."

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