Old Memories

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 " Y/N!" Rebekah shakes your unconscious body." Wake UP!"  Your friend yells at you.

You are a vampire  that was once connected with Klaus which makes you important to the witches sacrifice they were doing to bring him down. They wanted to use you as leverage. 

You wake up with with a killer headache and very dizzy. "What happened? Where am I?" You could tell where you were considering you were laying  in the street in an alleyway but you still decided to ask anyways. "We don't have time to keep asking questions. You don't know what happened?" She asks in a worriedly tone. You shake your head. "The witches needed you for a sacrifice to take down Klaus, he found out and told the witches he wanted to kill you himself, then he slaughtered the witches."  That's when all the memories come back. Rebekah chimes in again, "I saw him take you away from them...and by the looks of it he didn't look too friendly." She pauses. "I didn't want him to hurt you like he did the last time considering your past..."

That was all you could think about. Your past.  

*New Orleans 1863*

You had just discovered that your half cousin Marcellus Gerard has been taken by Niklaus Mikaelsons' part family. You wanted to get close to Niklaus in order to get information and on how to get Marcellus back. Overtime you and Niklaus got really close and you guys fell in love with each other. You grew strong relationships with his family too. Rebekah Mikaelson and you weren't very close to each other but you knew of her. You and his brother Elijah were very close but started to drift away from each other. When you had enough information, all of that changed.

One night you decide to hop out of bed from Niklaus' reach after cuddling. You sneak into Niklaus'  father's office and found the key you needed to get in order to sneak into the room where Marcellus was being held. You knew it wouldn't be for another couple days until you could save Marcellus because he was being held in another place in New Orleans. You turn around to hear a creak around the corner.

"My love, what are you doing down here by yourself at this time of night?" Niklaus asks softly.

You quickly  hide the key behind your back."I'm sorry darling I got lost in this wonderful home of yours , how silly of me..."  You lie.

He slowly walks towards you. You can feel your heart beating on every inch of you body. Your breathing begins to hitch and you clear your throat. Niklaus says softly, " Y/N what is that behind your back?" He continues walking towards you , causing you to walk back words until you hit the desk. His face inches away from yours. He then grabs your wrist and gets the key. You eyes start to water instantly.

"Have you been using me all this time to free that bastard Marcellus!?" he starts to yell at you. Your heart shattered . You knew your chances were ruined.

"N-Niklaus he is my family!.." You start to stutter. "I -I didn't w-want it to be like this b-but it was my only option!" You yell back.

He grabs you by your neck. "I should've never let you in and now, you will be out." Then it all went black.

Next morning you wake up in a familiar environment. Hungrier than ever. Not knowing what was wrong with you. You walked and walked and walked until you finally saw, the familiar Mikaelson mansion. You don't know what happened to you but all you could think of doing was apologizing to Niklaus, even though he was through with you. You knock on the door holding your bitten neck and Niklaus' sister Rebekah opens the door bringing you in. She sets you on their couch. Their house was very quiet so you assumed nobody was there. Rebekah hands you a red bag which appears to be a blood bag.  "Drink darling." You do as told without thinking.  Your cuts starts to heal and you start to crave more. Thanks to Rebekah she saved your life. "How is this possible? Why am I like this?" 

"Easy love, I heard everything that happened between you and Nik. If i'm being honest I would've done the same thing for my family." She stops talking and then continues on, " Don't panic. I know Niklaus didn't tell you this but, our family are supernaturals. Vampires to be exact. The first to walk the earth."  She must've saw how scared you were and spoke again. " And now you are one too." She mumbles. 'I'm a vampire now.... no no no... I'm only 18 I can't live like this!' You think. Then you realize that you were talking out loud.

"If you are wondering on how it happened love...I suspected something wasn't right with you and my brother. So I wondered what better revenge I can give him for all the horrible things he's done to me , so I let your guys relationship continue. Everyday I snuck my blood into your drinks just incase. Then when that night happened and Niklaus killed you, I knew I did the right thing."

WHAT COULD YOU EVEN THINK RIGHT NOW? You just felt in your heart the Rebekah knew what she was doing. " Question." You pause with shock for a moment, " Where is Marcellus and what do I do?" She goes on to tell you how she already freed Marcellus and he will be in Mystic Falls for a while. 

" Look Y/N I know this is not so easy to deal with. Trust me it wasn't for me either. You are my sire. So I will never leave your side. But I have to free you from this..." She grabs your face and compels you to forget about Niklaus and Elijah and everything that follows.

That is how you and Rebekah became great friends till this day and you and Niklaus became enemies. And from here on out Rebekah taught you everything you know.

*Present Day*

You start to recite that moment. Something went wrong because when Klaus found out you were alive, Rebekah had no choice but to make you remember everything that went on with you and him.

"Rebekah I need to get back to Marcel! He is probably worried sick about me." You explain to her.

"No Y/N, Klaus went there to find you. Luckily Marcel is his soft spot and is able to keep him away for only so long. So since Klaus is there I will take you to our home. Understand?" 

"Yeah I guess." You get up but automatically pass out. "I've got you love" Rebekah catches you and heads to the mansion.


The next morning you wake up on a couch. To a man so familiar yet you don't quite remember, sitting on the chair across from you reading a book. 


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