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Wow, one hundred chapters. Comment if you made it this far. And let me your thoughts on the story 🙏🏽❤️

I had looked through the website of Spectrum productions for the third time today. I am really stoked about this trip; I wish Chase would be too. I finished typing my draft for the new chapter and emailed it over to Archer instead of going over to the theater. I don't know why he still hangs up there. I would have thought that he would've sold the building by now.

"What are you up to?" Chase comes up from behind me and spots me sending the email to him. "Oh." He mumbles. He still hates the idea of Archer. I don't blame him. I gave him reason to despise him.

"I am only sending him the drafts I have. Relax."

"How am I supposed to relax? I am not comfortable with this."

"Why do you feel like something is going to go wrong." We lock eyes. Then he walks away with a sigh. "What? Talk to me" I stand up and face him. "For someone that claimed to be a realist, you are sure showing your pessimist side."

"He was your first. You guys are taking a trip together. It wasn't hard for you to fall for me, so-" He shrugs.

"What is that supposed to mean. It's almost like you are calling me easy."

"All I'm saying is; you don't necessarily know how to say 'no.'"

"Ok, what the fuck? I am not sure if you notice, but I kind of like you, damn moron. I'm basically addicted to you, just like how you are for me." I hold up my hand with the ring. I can't believe he is calling me easily. I don't like Archer, and I don't think I ever will. What we had was nothing but a one-night stand and a mistake.

"Addiction is a hell of a problem." He shakes his head.

I walk up to him and take his warm manly hands. "For us, it's in a good way."

"It wasn't a five months ago. It was toxic."

"So why go back to that? Let's move on from all of that. I trust you. I need the same in return."

He touches the side of my face with his palms. "You know who I don't trust."

Talking to him about Archer is by far the most head-pounding conversation. I didn't want to hear anymore. I tiptoed to kiss him on the cheek and turned away from him.

I don't like arguing with him and he knows that. When we argue, it feel like old times. I don't want to feel like that anymore. I want to start fresh on our relationship. I am moving on from his wrongdoing. I only want the same in return.

I didn't have much to do today, so I took the day to visit Rachel at her house, and Chase went to work.

Rachel and I were going through a few things for the trip. She was telling me about all these places I have to visit. Then she was telling me how I have to be careful over there; it is just as bad as New York.

She wants to get into gardening just like Claudia and Mary, so she bought soil and seeds to plant. Just like Mary told her, it's a good thing to do to get your mind off the bullshit. I started to help her. The whole time I couldn't stop thinking of Chase and the conversation we had this morning. Gardening isn't helping me at the moment.

He says he trusts me, but it didn't sound like it.

"Amelia, can you hand me the soil, please... Amelia?"

I wake up from the daze and hand it to her. "I am sorry," I tell her.

"Everything ok?"

I was going to say yes, but I am not going to hide my feelings. I shake my head at her with a forced grin. "Chase and I, we aren't on the same page with LA., I wish he would understand."

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now