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The hardest part about making a decision is knowing that there will be some consequence to that decision. As they say, every action comes with a price. I feel like my decision to go to LA will come with the hard price of losing my husband. The other day Chase had noticed me starting to pack my bags. He did not say anything. He just walked past me, then started acting cold towards me the whole day.

I stand in the airport with Archer. My hands are shaky from fear and I have an uneasy stomach. I had made sure to text Chase because he wan't happy when I left.

Earlier this week, he and I had the guys Roger and Trevor over at the house. They were talking with each other and then someone had asked me about the trip. I told them how excited I was to go and that I had already started packing up. Later that night, when they left, Chase told me the most disturbing thing about Ritchie and what he tried to do to me at the hotel.

My family is really screwed, and he needed me to see the importance of me taking the stand. When really all it did was make me want to go to California even more. Too much has happened in New York to want to stay.

I got upset at Chase. Then LA came up he got upset with me. It was like a Frisbee of fighting that night. He keeps thinking about how this is all about Archer. I tried my best to convince him that it isn't anything like that, and it's all about the opportunity that I am getting as a brand new, fresh writer. He has this thought in his head that I will do something to mess up our relationship. I was mostly aggravated that he had spoken to Archer behind my back. I wanted to know what had happened between them, but he wouldn't budge.

Then the worst had occurred.

His words still sting through my chest as I think about it. "Not once did you mention to me he's coming with you before Sarah mentioned it. It's like you want to get away from me. If you go, then fine, but don't expect things to be ok when you come back." He slammed the doors of the house and left that night. I couldn't locate him or get a hold of him through the phone. It's like he was saying those things out of anger.

I then left to cry on Ellie's shoulder that night.

I didn't know what kind of term we were on the morning I had to leave, but he made it obvious he didn't want to speak to me. I left for the airport by myself. It's not like he wanted to come with.

"You are making the right choice," Archer tells me while I stare out the window of the plane.

I look at him and grin. "Yeah, I know."

I turned my phone off as the plane had lifted from the grounds and through the clouds. I should've brought Chase with me. It would've proved to him Archer and I are nothing but Co workers. This whole situation is messed up.


That fight Amelia and I had this week really boiled the fuck out of my blood. My blood pressure rose, and my impulsiveness came alive. It's like she's not considering my feelings one damn bit. Maybe if we had gone together, things would be different now. How am I supposed to live knowing that Archer is near her the whole time. Trying to get to her again.

When I confronted him, I told him that he better keep his damn hands to himself. Along with, he has no chance with Amelia, even if he did try.

He got in my head, had me thinking the worse.

Maybe I am a damn pessimist.

"Sounds like someone doesn't trust their wife." He mocks witha cunning grin that I want to punch off his face. "If it were me, I wouldn't trust either Amelia or myself. I mean, I was the first one to fuck her so, maybe I'm still in her head sometimes. I think you know that, though."

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now