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Week one just couldn't come fast enough. It's just as hard as it was in the beginning, only this time I am able to speak to her. I sent Daniel to keep an eye on her, not because I don't trust her, but only because I don't trust that Archer guy, and I don't need my wife to get scooped up again with me not being able to do anything about it.

I told him to watch her but don't hover. Hopefully, he got the message.

I noticed when I did start talking to her through the hotel phone number. She didn't sound the same. She sounded tired most of the time, and other times she would cut the conversation short. She said she is not upset with me, but I know something is up. She has been telling me about everything Thomas has her doing. She loves being on the set of filming and I can't stop her from doing her dream. I know I was selfish about it at first. I want to be able to want the best for her instead of driving her away.

I felt like such a dick because of the things I said to her before she left. I know I can trust her, and she'll make the best choices. It only frightened me because she didn't make the best choices when dating Nolan.

My mother even scolded me for giving her a tough time about the trip, along with Trevor and Roger. So, I took the initiative to buy a ticket to the next flight to LA. I am going to make it a quick visit and make things right with her.

Maybe take her out to dinner and propose to her again. The right way this time and so when she comes back, we can have the wedding ceremony with our friends and family to see. The guys thought it was stupid since we are already married, but I have my reason for it.

I tuck my shirt in my dark blue dress pants with a brown belt, my phone started to ring, and it was the new manager I had hired to be at the club when I am not able to.

I answer the phone while zipping up my black duffel bag. "What's up, John?" John is older than me and had a lot of great experiences managing clubs. Only they were shitty, and he never had a salary like the one I had given him. He called me to tell me how some interview person is waiting at the club for me. I had already done one interview about my success, and how I did it at a young age, I do not need to explain myself anymore.

This was never about being known or all over magazines as the youngest Bachelor of New York City and newspapers. This was just for my grandfather. I wanted to build off what he left me and make something great out of it, and because of him, I will be able to do the same for Amelia and my grandchildren. Along with that, I like money and being able to take care of my wife.

Just hearing myself say it is weird. If it were months ago, I would have told her I would never marry someone or have a family. But now I see there is more to life than just drugs and drinking. I found it within her.

I grabbed my bag and walked out of the room. When I opened the door, Roger was there with a box of white claws in his hands. "Where are you going?" He asked.

"To LA," I tell him. I stared at his drinks and crooked my eyes at him. "Why do you have White claws?"

"I need some type of buzz right now. I just took my MCAT, and I need to celebrate. These aren't for you though. These are for me."

"Did you pass?" I asked.

"Well, I don't know yet." He shrugs.

"Then why are we celebrating?" I closed the door behind me, and it automatically locked. I had to get a fingerprint lock just because of the kidnap.

"Ok, dick. I just wanted to hang out with you. Why are you going to LA?"

"Why else?"

"Don't tell me you are going to propose to her again in LA. Dude, she's only nineteen. Let her breathe. It's worse enough she's already married to your crazy ass."

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now