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I took a tour of the University, and I fell in love with it. The campus is beautiful, and the people are friendly, they all have such extraordinary talent and brains. I didn't want to think much about it, though. I know myself too well. If I fall in love with something, I invest in it. I don't want to screw things over with Chase, so I kept telling Thomas I will have to think about it all.

Archer didn't rush me to decide, which is incredible. He has been supportive of how I have been feeling about it all.

I talked to Chase when we got back from the campus. He was surprisingly happy to hear my voice. I would have thought since that night we argued.

He was going to act bitter about me being here. I held off on telling him about Archer and me sharing a room. It was stupid. I just don't want any issues. If I tell him, he will think the worst. I told him about meeting Thomas again and the filming crew. He told me about hiring a manager for when he's not working at the club.

I didn't have much to say to him, so I ended the conversation there.

The next day I shadowed Thomas then I met his editor for his scripts. I was shocked to see Juleana Mitchell sitting at a desk with her long wavy brown hair and light brown eyes. I have heard and read so much about her work. She helped people publish most of the best Civil war romance novels in Seattle. Plus, she was my mother's favorite.

She said she heard a lot about me and the play. "Someone like you outta start their talent at a young age, you'll set a great example for the youth," is what she said to me. I couldn't stop but smile at her. I was amazed and excited.

She will be in LA for the week and leaves Saturday.

Later that night, I had gone out again with Nathan and the girls. Hanging out with them was enjoyable. Not once did they make me feel uncomfortable or belittled. Lianna, Karen, and Brooklyn then took me shopping the next day. I got a lot of adorable outfits I would not have been ok with wearing before. I felt good and brand new in all of them. I felt fresh.

The girls are extremely encouraging. There wasn't one time when they weren't telling me how great I looked in all the outfits I tried. Finally, we got manicures and pedicures, got trims, and then had dinner at a local restaurant right near the beach.

I had sadly lost my ring that night. I was drunk from them slipping me drinks all night, and I was unsure if I took it off in the car, restaurant bathroom, or the hotel room. The girls were just as worried as I was when I told them that the ring belonged to his grandmother.

Finding it in the hotel's bathroom, I had decided not to put it back on. It is an expensive ring. I didn't want to risk losing it.

Every day I love this place even more. I can potentially see myself living here. I know I cannot make that decision without my husband. So, I enjoyed each day that went by until Chase came to visit, then left with Daniel unexpectedly when I came back from an interview.

I expected to come back and talk to him but he left me no clue or warning that he was leaving. It was such bad timing when he saw me walking out of the hotel with Archer. If I had known he was coming that day, I would have postponed the interview for another day.

The interview was with the Spectrum production company, but it wasn't anything legit. I still have the choice to take the job or not. Juliana Mitchell just wanted to view the novel and know more about it and the background story. If I agreed I could work for them and make my way up to writing scripts for them.

Archer gave both Thomas and Juliana a copy of my manuscript and they loved it.

I knew Chase was upset, so I called him once I knew he would be off the plane. The things I said to him were a bit out of order, and I didn't know how to explain that I want to live in LA for the summer. I told him maybe we rushed into marriage because we could have waited till I was done with school. It would not feel right living in LA while married to a guy who lives in New York.

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now