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I do not understand why Chase Is acting like this. I was only speaking my feelings towards him about us getting married young. There is nothing wrong with telling how you feel. It is not like I wish I can take it back, but because of this opportunity I am getting, it's going to be harder to maintain our marriage.

So yes, we should've waited.

And now he wants to divorce me?

I didn't want to believe it. I went after him to the room when he walked away from me.

"I don't believe you. Divorce? Why are you acting like this. I love you."

"If you love me, then for once, you will stop and think about me and my feelings. I know I've done fucked up shit, but I have been nothing but faithful and loyal to you since we got married. Not once did I hide sharing a room with some girl at a hotel. Let alone a girl I lost my virginity to."

"I said I am sorry for that. We did nothing!"

"How am I supposed to believe you now?" He elevates his brows and shuts the bedroom door in my face.

What the actual fuck? The audacity of this man. I slam my palms on the door. "Chase! We aren't done talking about this."

"Leave Amelia or I'll make you!"

With built up anger, I kicked the door.

I didn't know who else I can talk to about this besides Mary. I got a ride from Daniel to go there.

When I had walked in, she was wearing a robe. She looked pale and sick.

"I am sorry for my appearance. I am getting over a cold." She stood back from me as much as possible.

While she was sitting, I was boiling water for tea.

I am glad to be this comfortable with Mary to talk about our relationship. I say that because before I said anything to her, I had started to cry, and she hugged me. It was comforting. I didn't mind if she was getting off a cold. I needed the hug.

While staring at the lemon in my tea, Mary asked me how long I plan on being in LA, and I had no definite answer because I really don't know. "I don't want to lose him. It's hard, especially when he has to manage the business down here. I am going to be there all the time." I blow into the tea and drink it.

"Maybe a divorce is the way to go." I said.

"Nonsense." She shakes her head. "You guys haven't even gone through all your solutions. There are many routes you can take, one being Chase visiting and you as well. Maybe one day he will decide to pick up the club and move It to LA, or you will decide to stay. It is a marriage. One of you is going to have to sacrifice something to make it work."

"How am I supposed to ask him to do that for me, and how am I supposed to give up LA? It's hard." My head starts to pulsate obnoxiously as his voice streams in my ear. I would never expect the 'D' word to come out of his mouth.

"Marriage isn't easy. Trust me, I know. Especially at a young age for you, you basically just committed to a long lifeline of sacrifices, wait till you have kids." She sips her tea. "I hole to still be here when you do."

I wasn't sure why I laughed, but I did. "You will be. Hopefully we get to that point."

I had asked her about Florida and if she had fun to take my mind off other things. Apparently, that's where she got the cold from, and so did the baby. We spoke about the charity events that would be established. As much as I wanted to be a port of it, I'll have to leave her to do the magic and just give her the funds needed. I helped her clean up the kitchen a bit then we watered her garden. Before walking out of the house, I got a glimpse of the magazines Mary had me search through to plan my wedding.

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now