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Lightning shuffled into the kitchen quickly and Doc looked up questioningly. he was still wearing the same clothes he had been wearing the night before.

"what are you doing? I thought you were getting a shower." Doc said confused.

"decided not to." Lightning said quickly.

"well you need one." Doc said. Lightning huffed slightly.

"as long as that thing is in the bathtub, I will never shower again." Lightning said. Doc looked even more confused.

"what thing? there wasn't anything in there earlier when I showered." Doc said.

"well there is now and I'm not showering." Lightning mumbled, crossing his arms over his chest. Doc rolled his eyes and stood, heading for the bathroom. Lightning followed behind him, but kept his distance nervously.

"alright kid, I don't see anything in here." Doc said looking around.

"its behind the curtain." Lightning mumbled. Doc raised an eye brow, sometimes having a younger boyfriend was so taxing, but he loved the younger and was willing to put up with it. Doc leaned forward and moved the curtain.

"holy shit!" Doc hissed, jumping back and putting his arm out in front of Lightning, heart pouding from the jump scare of a life time.

"see! see! there's a demon in the shower!" Lightning shouted. Doc let out an annoyed breath, he hadn't actually expected to find anything, so the huge Huntsman spider raring up at him when he moved the curtain, had scared the fuck out of him. he huffed and gave Lightning an annoyed look.

"really?" Doc ask, looking from him to the tub.

"what?" Lightning ask.

"its a spider Monty." Doc said.

"a huge fucking spider that looks ready to attack if you get too close!" Lightning defended, pouting.

"its a Huntsman spider. they're none aggressive unless you mess with their nests." Doc said.

"its huge and its a spider and I'm not getting a shower." Lightning glared. Doc sighed and looked back at the spider. it was a pretty big spider and it was acting oddly aggressive, but the kid was being ridiculous.

"you have a fear of spiders." Doc muttered. Lightning pouted. it was true though, he had a chronic fear of spiders, didn't matter how big or little or even if they were dangerous or not. he was terrified of spiders, not that he would admit that to Doc.

"I do not." he mumbled. Doc raised an eyebrow and gently nudged the younger towards it.

"then take care of it, I'm going back to my breakfast." Doc said. Lightning latched onto him and held tightly.

"no! I'm not getting near that thing!" Lightning yelped.

"its just a spider." Doc said.

"yeah and you're older, you deal with it." Lightning said, stepping back behind Doc. he peeked around the bigger man to stare at the tub. Doc rolled his eyes.

"geez kid, you're killing me." Doc said, shaking his head. he gently pushed the younger out of the bathroom. "I can't believe you would drive head on into a six car pile up on the track, but can't deal with a spider." Doc muttered. Lightning huffed and sat on the bed, face bright red and arms crossed over his chest.

"thats completely different." Lightning mumbled. Doc headed out of the room and came back with a bowl, intent on catching the damn thing. Lightning watched him and pulled back some, to keep out of the spiders way.

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