my response

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Dear Kenzi,

i read your letter today

it really happened

you really left me


as if you were

never here

but you were

and i never told you

how much you truelly ment

and now

now it's too late.

I should have told you

but i couldn't

everytime i saw

another momen

when your strength

gave out

i knew

i needed to tell you

but... i couldn't

because if i did

it would make it real

it would mean that everything

was truelly happening

that this goodbye

was final

and that i was alone

that i lost my best friend

my sister

the one person

who truelly understood me

 and knew me

better than i knew myself

now i regret

never telling you

just how important

you were to me

and now you're gone

but i won't forget you

no matter how much

pain it causes me

i can't forget

because if i tried

it would mean

forgetting everything

that you have made me be.......

as you read this over my shoulder

as i know you are were ever you may be

don't you worry

i'll be alright

i'll take care of mom and the girls

because you've fought

and taken care of them

long enough

and you've already been thorugh

so much

so you rest

and be happy

and know that you

won't be forgotten

missed you will be

and remember that you were loved....

too late but here it is....

goodbye kenzi.....

thank you for everything........

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