Chapter 2

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Waking up with a pounding head is never fun. Why do we do this to ourselves?
I depend on Mia to not let me get to drunk and she fails miserably every time. I really need to stop letting her talk me into drinking so much. She never feels like this.
Sitting up next to Mia I look at her sleeping soundly and roll my eyes that she looks fabulous even when asleep. I bet I look like I've been dragged through a bush backwards.

Standing in the bathroom mirror in Mia's apartment, I hear talking on the other side but I can't make out what there saying. Mia must be on the phone.
Forgetting about it, I switch on the shower and step in once it's heated up. I need to wash away the monstrosity of lastnights alcohol.
Running my hands over my long brown hair I scape my nails through my scalp and squirt shampoo into my hand lathering up my hair with Mia's shampoo and make sure it's clean throughout. Rinising it I do the same again and then condition it with alot of product.

After I've finished in the shower I switch it off and step out grabbing a towel.
Wrapping it around my body I dry my hair with another and walk out the bathroom back into Mia.
"Hey girl. How you feeling" I ask her knowing the answer anyways.
"Great, lastnight was fun babes" Mia says getting out the bed and adjusting her clothes better.
"Yeah for you maybe. It's not fun having all the guys drool over you" I tell her raising a brow. She giggles and hugs me.
"I love you tho. I'm gonna go shower. Get ready" she says pointing to my clothes she's moved. I walk over to them and drop my towel to dry the rest of my body better.

Looking at myself in her full length mirror I admire myself and wonder what men don't find attractive about me. I have a good size D cup boobs and a good sized ass for my slim tall figure. What am I missing?
Brushing my hair I pull it back into a high ponytail and wrap my bobble.
Pulling on my trainers I tie them up then throw all my stuff from lastnight into my weekend bag.
"Mum's here, she wants to know if your hungry?" Mia asks me and I shake my head.
"No thanks, I need to go home babe" I tell her and she sighs.
"Already babes. We've just woke up" she says and I look at my phone then her..
"OK I'll have breakfast" I sigh and she claps happily and walks further into the bedroom to dry and get ready to.

It's been nearly an hour and Mia's only just finished getting ready. She doesn't even need to go all out but she won't listen.
"You look good babes if only I had the energy to do all that everyday" I chuckle and she just laughs shaking her head.
"You're naturally stunning you don't need all this anyways" she tells me and I laugh.
"I wish" I tell her rolling my eyes and getting up. I'm hungry now.
Walking out of Mia's room we make out way into the kitchen where her mums sitting with food plated up for us.
"Thanks" I tell her mother and she smiles up at me. She's not much of a chatty person. Which is fine by me.. Right now anyways. When did she get here?
Eating the now warm fryup I take as much down as I can and finish up.
"What we doing today?" Mia asks me around mouthfuls of scrambled eggs.
"Whatever you like I need to go home tho, I told my mum I'd be back today" I tell her and she nods smiling.
"Let's do something different" I tell her. I'm bored of shopping and eating out. I need some adventure in my life. She jumps up we need a party. She kisses her mum and we're off grabbing my bag on the way out.

Arriving at my house with Mia after ordering a Uber, we walk in laughing. I didn't want to drive hungover. I hate it.
"Mum I'm home" I call out closing the door behind Mia.
"Kitchen, come in here I have something for you" she calls back and I'm intrigued to say the least.
"What isit?" I ask walking into the kitchen. She slides a wad of cash across to me.
"Your dad stopped by after you left. He said to give you this and hopes to see you soon" she says and rolls her eyes unimpressed. My dad - Patrick Swan - Is a dead beat big time gambler. He cares more for the game if anything really than his children. So we don't have a relationship. He comes around once a month and drops off money for me and my sister - Macey. We get five hundred each to do what we want with. I take it obviously, I need the cash till I can find a job but still he's a fucking joke.
"Oh, right thanks mum" I tell her picking it up and turning to leave for upstairs.
"Did you have a good night with Mia?" she asks and I smile.
"Yeah it was good. She's here" I tell her and Mia pops her head in.
"Hi Miss Bloom" she says to my mum making me laugh.
"Mia I've known you for far to long for you to be calling me that. It's Linda please hun" my mum says to her chuckling.
"Sorry.. Linda" she says quickly. Going red.
"We'll be back late. Don't wait up" I tell her and jog up the stairs.

Looking through my closet I pull out light blue denim distressed jeans with a white crop top and my white air forces. Looking it over Mia thumps up me and I grin that she likes it.
Quickly changing I sit at my vanity and apply my more natural makeup. My eyelashes are already done so I apply a little eyeliner and highlighter.
"Perfect babes" Mia says from behind me.
Brushing my hair I go over it with the straightening irons and pull it back up into a high ballerina bun because of the rides. I've seen way to many YouTube ride videos gone wrong.
"Ready?" Mia asks me and I look over myself in the mirror.
"Totally girl" I tell her grinning getting up and walking over to my bed. I put half the money in my purse and the other half in a shoe box I keep to save for a rainy day. Mia knows all about it and I trust her one hundred percent. She's my main girl from god knows how long ago. She'd never take it.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now