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The following morning, I placed my journal down and looked over to my left, watching life in the city pass on by. A groggy morning it is, but another day I get to wake up with a handsome man in my bed. 

To my right, Nathan laid flat on his abdomen, snoring like a freight train. Before I was to wake him up and kick him out for the day, my phone had done the job for me. 

"Ugh-what's the time?" Nathan groaned.

I kicked his legs. "Time for you to go. I must be in the office in an hour." I shove him away before answering the phone. 

Contemplation crosses my mind the moment I see the name, Nolan, pop up on my phone. A reminder was sent to me for reservations for his wedding. He texted, 'Cassandra would love to meet you.'

That is one wedding that I will not want to attend I'm sick and tired of seeing and hearing about weddings.

Who needs weddings anyways when you can just fuck who you want and continue with your life. That is something Chase would have probably said when we first met.

I ignored the text and stared down at Nathan. "As a matter of fact, I can use a quick fix before going in."  I said and pull the sheets that revealed his muscled ass.

Nathan turns around with a conceited grin. "So can I."  His morning wood stood tall. It's not as big as I'm used to but it certainly does the job right.

His rough hands rub against my skin, pulling down my nightgown. His lips touch my chest effortlessly, and my eyes close, pleasure was written across my face. His mouth closed around my nipples and tugged on them.

In reality, I knew who I was about to have sex with, but in my head, someone else was on top of me. When Nathan went down on me and licked me from my opening to my clit, my thoughts ran wild, and loud enough for me to moan out his name. 

"Chase," a sudden whisper comes out.

Nathan's head pops up in shock. "Really?" 


I figured I ruined the morning so I shoved him away from me with guilt. "He jumped out the bed, placing his boxers back on. "Is that who just texted you? Because if you guys are still a thing then, just let me know and I'll leave you alone for good." 

Here we go again.

Why can't he just this be what it is? Just fuck buddies, nothing more.

"It's not that. It's just a stupid moment of weakness that I had, I'm sorry." I apologize sincerely even though I don't see why I should have to. He shouldn't be upset, he knows how I feel about Chase.

He shook his head in disbelief. "You seem to have a lot of that when it comes to him."  His hands comb over his short dark hair.

As he left me in the room to think of my actions, I threw my head back on my pillow.  Why is this still affecting me? Why must I spend another minute thinking about him when I can just simply move on? It sounds so easy to do so, but the truth is, it's hard. 

I face the mirror with the bright lights in my bathroom. Then I fix my short-cut hair that reaches my shoulders, before rushing out of my place.

I am late for the meeting with Archer.

I have been working with him for three years, and we still haven't gotten together again. Chase didn't want to believe it before we divorced.

After the divorce, Archer tried to kiss me once, but I slapped him and set him straight. I didn't want to complicate things when they were already complicated.

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now