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I walk across the street to get to the pizza stand that I used to eat at most of the time

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I walk across the street to get to the pizza stand that I used to eat at most of the time. There was a new guy running it, though, but it still tasted the same. The smell of the city brings me to smiles that I wouldn't have known was possible. I missed the sounds of the taxis, the crowds on the side walls, and the hard working people that are always in a rush for school or work, and the wind that blows in my hair. I even miss the awful things about the city.

The day has come for me to look at the building and make sure it is in shape and big enough for space. I left LA yesterday; I have been in New York City and in a hotel for most of the time.

I leave back to LA Monday, and after that, we will close the deal on the building. I take the taxi to make a quick visit to Trevor's house since I am close by.

Being back brings so many memories. The one person I wish to see more is Chase. To see how he is doing. I hear about the club and see him in magazines still, but that's all advertisement.

After I knocked on the door, a little boy with beach blonde hair and dark blue eyes opens it with a wide smile. "Aunty Milly!" Elijah runs out of the house cheerfully. Trevor stood behind him and watched as he hugged me.

"How's my little guy?" I pinch his cheeks. "You're getting so tall, aren't you like two?"

I pick him up in my arms. "No, I'm this year old." He tries to hold up four fingers.

"Oh, ok." I laugh and look up at Trevor, who held a graceful smile.

"I am glad you're here." He tells me. "The wedding isn't for another two weeks. Everything ok?"

I nod at him and walk into the house. They had bought this small white house for them two years ago, and they are taken well care of it. Celeste is like her mother and gardens the front. The inside is wooden floors and comforting wall décor. There're family photos on shelves and candles that were lit. I love their house. It is so roomy and just enough for their family, plus an extra bedroom for the second kid. Celeste didn't want their ages to be too far apart. Neither did Trevor, so they said fuck it and started attempting to conceive.

"Where's Celeste?" I ask him.

"She's at Mary's." He sits on the couch. I do the same, placing Elijah on my lap. "Along with Chase."

"And aunty Blair," Elijah says, then steps down from my lap. He walks towards his dad. "Are we going, daddy?"

"Yeah, little man. Just give your aunt and me a minute to talk. Go get a cookie from the cookie jar. Don't tell mommy, though."

"Okay!" He runs off in excitement.

"Aunty Blair?" My brows lift, intrigued.

"There are some things that need to be said. I was told not to say anything to you. But since you are back, you have the right to know."

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now