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I walk into the two-story condo in New York with Chauncey and Jessica

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I walk into the two-story condo in New York with Chauncey and Jessica. It's called the Grande Lux with thirty floors, and I am on the thirtieth. The place is already furnished. All we need to do is unpack our belongings and settle in. I will enjoy my time in New York instead of mopping around like a depressed person because the person I want is not available and not capable of being honest still. I know who I am and what I am made of, I may be broken, but I am strong.

Plus, there are just as many attractive guys in New York I can get with.

Chauncey jumps on my brand-new plushed bed that overlooks the city, making himself at home.

Jess was happy to join me. She made herself comfortable in the room across from mine.

"I think I'm going to love it here." Jess said. She stops in the hallway and watches Chauncey circling the bed before laying down.

"I think you will too. It's nice when you begin to know people. Being lonely in a city like this is depressing. That's why you have me. And I'll introduce you to the people I know, your not far off in age from Chase's sister, Celeste."

"Really? Does she like books and stuff. I'm pretty much a bookworm. If my peers aren't into literature then I don't think we can be friends. All I talk about is soppy romance novels."

I laugh. Recognization of myself beamed through her word. "I don't know about that. She's more into being a mom. But I'm sure she'll adjust to you."

She smiled and placed her folded hands over her chest. Its obvious to see that she is embracing this new change in her life.

One person I haven't talked to in a while that I really wanted to speak with was Roger. I sent him my current address and told him to stop by when he gets the chance.

Alone preferably, I know there's a chance Ellie will come with. I let my short hair down, then put on a robe with slippers.

Chauncey started barking at the noise in the front. I walk towards the brown wooden front door and use the silver handle to open it. My lips form in a forced smile when I see Ellie standing next to Roger.

"I was expecting you to look like crap, but you're just as hot as you were when I last saw you." She hugged me tightly after walking in. I looked pass her shoulder towards Roger, and he shrugged his shoulders at me.

"Nice place you got here." said, Ellie. Chauncey sniffed her and remembered her scent. His tail started to wag, showing his excitement. As for

Rogers presence, he started to growl.

"Hey, Chauncey." She pets him.

"I told you to come alone," I whispered near Roger.

"I thought you weren't going to want to see me, so I invited myself," Ellie spoke up as if I was talking to her.

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now