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Why her?

I am still trying to figure it all out myself. All I know is that Blair became a great friend to me when Amelia left.

During the trip to Toronto, Blair and I bought some weed and a bottle of liquor, and we just talked. It was comforting. We caught up on a few things and talked to each other about our fears, wishes and goals, and our struggles, mainly mine. I didn't have to worry that night because of me not being sober. It made me miss what it felt like before falling in love and shit.

Amelia's first book had got published before the summer. And when I saw the cover, I noticed she used her maiden name instead of Hamilton. It made me think a lot of things.

I know for a fact I fucked up and couldn't take it back, and instead of telling her what happened, I pushed her away and forced her to let go of me. The past years had been a fucking nightmare without her, but then I have Blair, who also makes me feel special.

When my father came back and planted dozens of drugs in my club, she was there for me. Amelia tried her best to understand why I was acting the way I did and be there for me, but I didn't want her worrying about my issues when she has to go on book tours and makes millions of people happy.

It eventually got harder for me to be with her. I was killing her slowly without her even knowing it, so we divorced for only being married for a year and eleven months.

"It must be a good reason if it's taking you this long to respond." She says and leans back on the leather chair.

Why her?

She doesn't know that I just got lost in her eyes once again, and she is wearing red. She knows what that does to me, and yet she doesn't care. "Chase?"

"Because she makes me feel comfortable. And we like the same things." I shrug, no answer could change anything.

She laughs, showing her dimples. I am so used to seeing her with front bangs, but the short wavy cut works perfectly for her. Like a grown woman, this is how I always imagined her to look.

"Like Henny and weed?" She adds to bring up the night in Toronto. "Do you hate me so much that you had to humiliate me just because I didn't add your last name to my novel or because I wanted to live my life. You had everyone knowing except me. The one person you were supposed to love enough not to cheat on, again, I may add."

"I didn't mean for it to happen."

"Yeah, you said that before with Ashely." She tells me, referring to the girl from the hotel room. "I don't understand how you kept saying you loved me and then couldn't handle the distance and cheated. I wish you would've saved me the headache and tears and divorce me the first time you brought it up because you obviously didn't mean it."

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now