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I step out in the cool, wet weather to get in my car. I had it scheduled to work on writing today, It doesn't help when you have writer's block. I somehow found a way to spoil myself with my own introspections. So, I decided to get out of the condo today and see Mary. I fed the dog and went on a run with him to stay active before I planned on leaving. Jess stayed behind to help look over some manuscripts for me.

Stepping out of the car and onto the parking lot of Mary's house, It was impossible not to think of the little memories that make my heart jump with joy, even if my life is still falling apart.

Mary opens the door, and her eyes widen in shock from seeing me. "Amelia!" Her arms open up to me. "Come in!"

I smile while hugging her. "How are you?" I asked.

"I am good." She touched the wrap on her head where she is still having trouble growing back her hair.

The last time she and I spoke was when she was diagnosed with liver cancer. It was a tough time then. Chase and I weren't even divorced yet. She was taking chemotherapy and since they detected it early, she ended up being ok for now. She had the money from selling all the hotels over to help. Now she has enough funds to retire herself and stay in the house.

"How are you?" She asked me.

"I've been better," I answered as truthfully as I could. "The house looks great. I love the new color." Instead of the bright white walls, she changed it to cream.

"I was getting tired of the white." she placed her hand over mine. "The charity events are going well. We had one recently, the funds you left for me to use, had opened up six rehabilitation centers and three sober houses. With the charity events we are able to pay the workers what they deserve, plus through some insurance."

"That's amazing Mary. You did a good job."

"Not me! You are the one that thought of it. You are doing big things Amelia. Enough to make the man above happy as ever. I kept them all under your name."

Alarmed, I placed my hands on my chest. "Mary, you didn't have to do that. That was solely intended for you. I know how much you love to help people."

"I was sick once Amelia. I can get sick again, I want you to be the ones to take over them. That's all I ask."

I held her hand and gave her a frowning smile. "You're the sweetest, you know that?" I didn't bother to tell her that I am extremely busy with work and writing my book.

"I know. I also wanted to say, I'm sorry how things turned out for you and Chase. I was very ashamed of him when I heard what happened."

"It's fine. He seems happy now." I force the words out that halted in my mouth.

We walk towards the kitchen and I lean over the counter.

"Talk to me. I see you all over magazines about spectrum publishing and your novels. You must be so proud." she said.

"I am, actually. Someone had asked me if I could, would I take it back? I don't see why. I made it to where I want to be in life. Even if it's not exactly what I wanted to do, I still made something out of life. it's amazing."

"Can I guess what it is you are missing?"

"If you are going to say who I think, then no. I don't mind that he moved on, really. He seems like she makes him happy." I try to shrug it off the best way I can.

It is hard trying to stay strong.

"Don't tell him I told you this, but Chase is not as happy with Blair as he was with you. He may not want to admit it to himself or you. But a mother always knows best. The lunitic got him into drinking and smoking again. I wish he wasn't bigger than me, so I could beat some sense into him." She places her hands over mine for comfort. "Hang in there."

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now