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I think this the the longest chapter in the book lol
If you're not liking the development of the story, sorry (not sorry) this is how I envisioned the story to be.
I'm only proud of myself for writing 100+ chapters. That's big for me.
Keep the comments coming! I love seeing the constructive and positive feedbacks. It fuels me to keep writing lol ❤️

Happy reading!

I had no specific date to come along with me for Trevor and Celeste's wedding today, I called Nathan before the bachelorette party to accompany me as a friendly gesture, nothing more.

I'm pulling the tag off the silver dress that hangs loose in the front and has a wide opening to the back that reaches my lower hip, I began to get nervous for this day. For the lovely couple and myself. Every time I know I'm going to be around Chase, I began to get moths or sometimes butterflies.

I plugged my long silver earrings into my ear, and the charm bracelet that I kept was a perfect addition to the outfit. I occasionally added charms to it, only for things that were important still. The heels I put on will even make me almost as tall as Nathan. My bare chest shows, but my breasts are tucked away and out of sight.

"Wow." Jess walked in, and her eyes went wide at me. "You look amazing and sexy. I like it."

I force a meaningful grin, when deep down, I know I am not happy about going. I am delighted for the couple, but he will be there with her.

I got nervous when it was time for Nathan to pick us up. I thought I was going to run into the two couples that live below me, but Chase's Audi was already gone.

The wedding ceremony is at Mary's house and is taking place in the backyard and inside. Nothing too big and nothing too small. We step out of the car and into the house.

The music is calming, and everyone is walking around with wine, champagne, or some mysterious drink in their hand. The lily flowers are all around the house. Along comes a huge picture of Trevor and Celeste during her maternity shoot near the back doors.

"This place is huge." Jess looks around, amazed.

Nathan agreed, and they went off to get some drinks. I walked around with my large glass of red wine and stared around.

"Amelia." Someone's cold hands had touched my bareback. I turn to see Rose. She has longer hair and no piercings on her face. I open my mouth, shocked to see her.

We open arms to hugs.

"Wow." she exaggerated. We haven't talked at all within these years, maybe to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, other than that we were strangers. "You look amazing." She twirls me, making me feel confident with my appearance.

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now