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Three weeks ago, today, the newlywed couple had gotten back from their honeymoon, and Elijah went back home to his parents.

Getting to spend the week with him while they were gone was a great experience for me.

I haven't had the chance to spend as much time with him in the past. Now that I had finally gotten it, I wanted more.

He gets to spend the weekends with me most of the time, and other times he's with his other family members.

When the newlywed came back, everything was just about the same. The weeks went on, and the nights went on longer. I went six weeks without managing to tell anyone else about my interaction at the wedding and it's been great. Those that do know must of kept it to theirselves because I haven't been getting rampaged by the girls.

On the other hand, my downstairs neighbor, who still tries to do anything to talk to me, been a helpful to me. He takes Chauncey when I really need to focus and if I don't need anything he gives me my space.

I'm in the zone working while Elijah was playing with his toys near the kitchen island while Jess made us all breakfast.

I was busy holding my coffee and printing out pages of my book to send it to Archer while  turning the building into a running company at the same time.

Archer been on my ass lately about my work. I can't lie, I have been slacking. The days I would sit down and write at night I would instantly fall asleep and the morning I would try to write I would still fall asleep.

The past three weeks I hit a new wave of fatigue that has been kicking my ass.

The book is more important then the building right now, especially since my deadline had passed. So last night I pulled myself together, had some energy drinks and coffee and finished my past few pages of the novel. Which could explain why I woke up feeling groggy.

After sitting on the toilet, contemplating my life and wondering what has been draining energy out of me, I started reading over the manuscripts Jess handed me weeks ago.

I am behind on my work once again.

I bit the top of the highlighter and mark a page on the manuscript written by a young adult. Lately we've been giving young writers the chance to publish and it's been kind of crazy.

The natural lighting from the windows had lit up the Condo on its own. Since it was windy outside, I left the patio door open to let fresh air in.

I paced back and forth on the wooden cool floors, reading and highlighting. While trying to read, I could not help to notice the most nauseating smell of life.

I let it go at first and continue on with my work. Elijah was too busy making onomatopoeia sounds with his toy plans and cars, cashing my shift of focus as well.

But then there went that smell again.

Strong and nauseating.

"Jessica, what is that godawful smell?" I asked, while walking towards the kitchen.

The closer I got, the worse it was. It smelt like rotten raw meat . The sulfurous smell has me gagging deeply.

"It's eggs and ham." She shows me a plate of an oily, greasy piece of ham and the eggs. What once was pleasant to me, suddenly began to be excruciating to look at. Jess caught the look on my face and then said, "it's for our croissants."

The sight of it made my stomach churn in ways I never felt before. If felt as if it was wrong to add eggs and ham in the same component.

I covered my mouth and ran towards the bathroom. While getting on my knees I hurled in the toilet, nearly missing my aim.

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now