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"I am pregnant."

"I'm pregnant."

I stand in the mirror, figuring out ways to tell Chase. I wasn't sure what this trip was all about when Mary invited me. Then, when I saw him at the house, I figured It out.

I told Mary about the baby when the doctor called to confirm my blood test results. She so happened to knew already. I wasn't sure how, but she just had the feeling when she saw me.

She said I looked lost but in need of help. Glowing but not showing. Basically, she was trying to say I looked like her when she was pregnant with Chase. Besides the crazy baby daddy.

Brooklyn called me randomly the other day to check on me. I told her as well. When I told Claudia, she cried with me, I thought maybe she would've been upset because of how young I am still.

She was strangely happy. I wish I can feel just as happy as all four of them feel for me, but I can't.

With my birthday coming up in a month, I am going to be twenty-four and pregnant.

I guess that's not bad.

It's not like I want to be pregnant, though. Especially with someone I am not with.

Every morning, I wake up feeling worse. My breast feels like tender bricks, I am throwing up all the time, and I am extremely gassy, and as of last night, I realized I couldn't wear heels anymore.

"Remember when we had sex at the wedding? Well, you forgot to pull out, and I'm pregnant." I continue to practice.

Celeste walks by my room then stops to walk in. "Keep saying it loud enough; he'll surely hear you." She grins. "Feeling any better?"

"Worse." I hold my stomach and look in the mirror.

"It gets better. The sickness, I mean."

She asked me if I was taking the pre-natal pills she gave me. I told her, yes, but in all honesty, no. I am not even sure If I am keeping it, given the certain circumstances.

I could smell the bacon that was being made in the kitchen. I love bacon, but I am scared to eat meat again. Something about it now just makes me sick. We walked out of the room and into the kitchen. Chase was making breakfast, and his mom was sitting at the dining table drinking coffee.

"Good morning." Elijah smiles at us.

I walk over to him and plant a kiss on his cheeks. "Good morning to my number one man on this planet."

He grins ear to ear. "Yuck."

"Since when do you make us breakfast?" Celeste questions Chase.

"I wanted to be nice."

She takes her plate from him. "I wonder why." She hums. Chase sent her a warning glance.

He handed me a plate of food as well. I grinned at him. Me being this close to meat and not throwing up is a plus.

In heaven, I gracefully enjoyed the bacon as if it was my last piece. Everyone else was finishing up eating while Elijah was eating off his moms' plate. Most times, I look at Celeste and wonder how she did it at such a young age. She is remarkably tough.

As I was about to stand up from the chair, my stomach felt uneasy. I covered my mouth, preparing for the worse. They all stared at me, concerned. "I'm ok," I tell them.

"Aunty Milly is going to throw up again," Elijah called out. "Yuck!"

"No, she's not, honey. Eat." Celeste hurried and shoved food in his mouth, stopping him from talking. Chase gave me a concerning look. I turn around to the kitchen to exclude his stares.

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now