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I walk out of Amelia's condo the night we came back from the trip. I wanted to make sure she was ok since she was still feeling sick. I had to encourage her to take the prenatal pills Celeste given her. We are having this damn baby, and he or she will be healthy, cute, and hopefully, they have her eyes.

Damn, I'm fucking excited.

Everything I wanted, plus more, is coming to my life. I can't fuck things up this time.

I stood in front of my front wooden door, contemplating on stepping in. This is going to be the hardest part of the situation. Telling Blair that Amelia is pregnant will certainly make her upset.

I took my possible last deep breath on this planet and walked in.

Blair was walking back and forth on the phone talking. She looks up at me and smiles while holding up her index finger, signaling me to wait. "Ok, I'll let him know. Thank you so much."

"Hey, you." She steps closer, wrapping her arms around my neck. "I was just on the phone with the hotel managers in Fiji. They were able to get us an opening for a Bungalow for a holiday. Me, you the water and no one else." She tries to kiss me.

I removed her from me and held her hands in front of me.

"What's the matter? How was the trip?"

"There is something I need to tell you."

She backs up from me, worried. "What is it?"

Here goes nothing. God if you love me as much as you say you do, protect me from this crazy woman.

"Amelia is pregnant, and it's our baby. My baby." I am not sure why I said it like that to her. I had to correct myself.

"I... I am sorry. What?!" her face twitched.

"I know it seems fucked up. My mom brought her along on the trip, and she told me. Well, Elijah told me but-"

"So, you lied to me?"

"What? No. I didn't even know she was going to be there." I tuck my hands in the side pockets of my dress pants.

Her eyes tear, but she fights to let it stream. "She trapped you, didn't she?"

My brows furrowed at her. "No, she didn't. She's been on birth control for a long time."

Her hand covers her mouth, and she backs from me. "What is she going to do since you guys aren't together? I mean, she can't possibly keep it, right?"

"Blair." I sternly spoke. "We're keeping the baby." I don't know what possessed her to say some bullshit like that.

"We're? As in you and her together?"

I nod my head, deciding to leave the extra details out.

Her brows furrowed, and her hand raised. I knew what was coming. I had caught her hand in time before she slapped me.

"look, I know this isn't the news you want to hear, but I... I can't be with you anymore. And you can't just keep hitting me all the damn time." I said with my voice filled with venom.

There's no way in hell I'm going to let a baby that belongs to Amelia and me, around Blair.

She doesn't say anything, not one word. Instead, her forehead scrunched.anger written plainly across her face. Anger that can kill someone with just one look.

She had walked off towards the kitchen where there was an expensive vase mother got me for a home welcoming gift. She picked it up and threw it down, letting it be shattered on the floor.

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now