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This chapter has a disturbing violent scene...
I'm so ready to be done with this book lol,
If I'm being honest with you I've been editing this story for years and to having to read it over and over again killed my brain cells!!
But the ending of the story really brings me joy.
Happy readings!

Today I make seven months.

This pregnancy has been one of the best moments for me after the sickness went away. Every day my stomach grows, and the baby is growing even more. Every night I don't go to sleep until I feel the kicks. Chase waits with me and shares those little moments.

There's days where I count the baby's kicks to make sure they are ok in there. It's so hard not being able to see him or her, but to feel the feet and hands, makes my days.

Lately, things have been going well between Chase and I. Throughout these months, he has been supportive and considerate of taking things slow instead of jumping straight towards where we left off. We want this time to be different, to be meaningful and built within a foundation built by God himself.

In the last the pillars of our marriage wasn't stable. They continued to crack until it collapsed, this time around, we will wait until we feel like the time is right to be together again.

It doesn't mean we regret the past because if certain things weren't to happen, then I am sure I wouldn't be pregnant right now.

When Chase told me about him and Blair breaking up, I couldn't hide being excited about it. It meant I didn't have to feel bad anymore. He and I can raise our baby without any trouble. Eventually, everyone knew about them breaking up and me being pregnant. Ellie was upset I didn't come to her first, but she was still happy for me. She even called dips on God Mother.

I don't even know if I ever had a God Mother. This baby is going to grow up with so many loved ones around them. Where no one is around to hurt them, threaten them, or make them feel scared in their own home.

And never will he meet or come in contact with Alex, Ritchie, and Calvin. Chase and I will make sure of that.

I felt bad for him because he was still dealing with Blair sending many hate mail and threats through email. It freaked both of us out. Eventually, It got hard for us to get sleep without feeling safe. Dan came back just to keep a lookout in case she decides to go psycho on us.

The only thing I got from her was a hate letter. Chase tried to hide it from me, but I caught it in time. That is when he told me about the lies she had put in my mouth, about me rubbing shit in her face. I didn't have time for that, though. I had better things to worry about, like work and growing a baby.

Being pregnant didn't make me gain as much weight as I expected. I am extremely grateful for that. I did have to move up a bra and shoe size, though.

Sitting in the Doctor's clinic with Chase by my side, I kept rubbing on my firm stomach. It's been getting harder and harder for me to sleep as the months go by. I have my pregnancy pillow but even then it gets hard to sleep with it. The night Chase slept over ended up on the couch because of how much space the pregnancy pillow took.

I have been having crazy amounts of negative thoughts about my labor. Everyone keeps telling me it's all in my head. I always feel like something bad will happen.

I shouldn't jinx myself, though I should probably prepare myself for the worse. Social media doesn't help either. Every video I scroll under I hear stories about stillbirths and sudden infant death syndrome, also known as SIDS. It got bad to the point where I had to be free from my phone for a while.

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