Ch. 1 | Jeff? Jeff!

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A whisper. Something you're not sure if you even heard.

Are you imaginging things?

Or is there acually something outside?

You stand, hoping that you're just imagining the voice. You're running on two hours of sleep, after all.

You swear you've heard that voice before, though.

But, where?

Suddenly, there's a tap on your window.



When will this madness end?

Walking to your window, you see movement. But upon opening it, there's nothing but the pitch black of night.

Your mind is playing tricks on you again.

Stupid insomnia.

You go back to your desk and continue reading.

Some time passes, though you don't know how much, before your LED lights flicker and turn off.

"What the--mmph!" A large hand covers your mouth and pulls you against it's owner. Something metallic and sharp touches your throat.

You try to scream for help, but it's muffled.

You're in the middle of the woods, anway, so nobody can hear you.

"Don't move. Don't make a sound," a cold, harsh voice orders. A wet cloth goes over your nose and mouth.

You struggle to breathe and begin feeling dizzy .

Your knees buckle.

And then, black.


"Ah, you're awake," a gruff voice says.

"Where am I?" you ask groggily. You feel something cold and hard around your wrists.

"Can't tell you that. What I can tell you, though, is that you won't come out of here alive."

You groan and shiver. Your head throbs as you try to open your eyes, but everything looks fuzzy. "Great. Just kill me and get it over with. I hate life anyways." You blink repeatedly, and finally your vision clears.

"Nah. I want to keep you alive for a little while yet."


"Why? Because I said so."

A few moments go by. "How long was I out?"

"A few hours."

You see a man with shoulder-length black hair, no eyelids, and a bloody cut smile.

You've seen him somewhere. You know that face shape.

"Who are you?" you ask at last.

"Ah, the important question. Finally."

"Just answer it."

"Alright, alright. It's Jeff."

"Jeff. Sounds...oddly familiar, actually..."

"It should."


"Because you were there."


"Do you remember the party? How some boy got caught on fire?"

"Yeah, but...that was years ago..."

I Hate You, I Love You (Jeff the Killer X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now